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In the scorecard, you can temporarily remove some key performance indicators (KPIs) by using the Filter Scores feature. For example, to focus on the KPIs that need the most improvement, you can temporarily remove from a scorecard view those KPIs for which the actual values are on target or moderately on target.

To filter rows by indicator status

  1. On the Scorecard toolbar, click the Filter Status button.

  2. In the Only show rows with indicators list, select the type of indicator that you want to display in the scorecard view.

To reset the reports and scorecards in the dashboard to the default view

  • You can reset all the reports and scorecards on the page at the same time by clicking the Refresh button in the browser window.

  • You can reset an individual report or scorecard by first opening the Web Part menu (located in the upper corner of the individual item) and then selecting Reset View.