This documentation is updated on a regular basis. To obtain the most current version, go to PerformancePoint Server on Microsoft Office Online (

The annotations functionality lets you add comments and information to the cells of a scorecard that is in the dashboard. For example, you might want to make a notation in a cell with store sales numbers that indicates that bad sales at this point were caused by poor weather. These annotations can be seen by any user who has access to your dashboard. After an annotation is made to a cell, the annotation appears as a red triangle.

If there is no Enable Annotation button on the scorecard's toolbar, contact your IT Administrator.

To add annotations to a Scorecard View Web Part

  1. On the Scorecard View toolbar, click Enable Annotation.

    Ignore this step if the annotation function is already enabled.
  2. Click the cell where you want to add an annotation.

  3. In the Scorecard Server dialog box, click Add Comment.

  4. In the Enter Title box, type the title of the comment.

  5. In the Enter Comment box, type the comment.

  6. Click Save. Repeat steps 3-6 to add more comments to the annotation.

  7. Click Close.