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Dashboard Designer enables you to customize dashboards without leaving the Windows SharePoint Services Web site or redeploying dashboards from Dashboard Designer. You can use the PerformancePoint Dashboard Item Web Part to add scorecards, strategy maps, and analytic charts and grids from Dashboard Designer to the page on the SharePoint Services site. You can also add filters that were created and published to Monitoring Server to the dashboard page. When scorecards or reports that are linked to these filters in Dashboard Designer are added to the deployed dashboard, the elements retain their links in the SharePoint Services site.

The following conditions must be met to use the PerformancePoint Dashboard Item Web Part:

To add an element to a dashboard in a SharePoint site

  1. In the upper corner of the SharePoint Services site, click Site Actions, and then select Edit Page to put the page into editing mode.

  2. In one of the zones on the page, click Add a Web Part, and then click Browse to open the list of Web Parts that are available.

  3. Select PerformancePoint Dashboard Item Web Part from the list. Then scroll down to the bottom of the window and click Add. This adds the Web Part to the page.

  4. In the PerformancePoint Dashboard Item Web Part, click Open the tool pane (hypertext in the Web Part). The Web Part tool pane opens on the side of the screen.

  5. In the Web Part tool pane, click the button next to the Dashboard text box to open the Select a Dashboard dialog box.

  6. In the Select Dashboard dialog box, select a dashboard that has been published to Monitoring Server, and then click OK. The dialog box closes, and the name of the selected dashboard appears in the Dashboard section of the Web Part tool pane.

  7. In the Web Part tool pane, click the button next to the Dashboard Item text box to open the Select Dashboard Item dialog box.

  8. In the Select Dashboard Item dialog box, select the dashboard element you want to add. You may have to expand tree controls to browse to an individual element. (In this case, an element is a report, scorecard, or filter. You cannot add the whole dashboard page.) Click OK. The dialog box closes, and the name of the selected dashboard element appears in the Dashboard Item section in the Web Part tool pane.

  9. Click OK. The tool pane closes, and the deployed dashboard is automatically updated to display the element you selected.

To change the Web Part title

  1. In the upper corner of the SharePoint Services site, click Site Actions, and then select Edit Page to put the page into editing mode.

  2. In the PerformancePoint Dashboard Item Web Part, click Edit to open the Web Part menu. Select Modify Shared Web Part to open the Web Part tool pane.

  3. In the Web Part tool pane, change the Web Part title by doing the following:

    1. Make sure that the Autogenerate Web Part Title check box is not selected. Expand the Appearance section to display the current title for the Web Part.

    2. Type a title for the Web Part in the Title text box (located in the Appearance section).

  4. In the Web Part tool pane, click OK. The Web Part is automatically updated to display your changes.

To change a dashboard element to a different scorecard or report

  1. In the upper corner of the SharePoint Services site, click Site Actions, and then select Edit Page to put the page into editing mode.

  2. In the PerformancePoint Dashboard Item Web Part, click Edit to open the Web Part menu. Select Modify Shared Web Part. The Web Part tool pane opens on the side of the screen.

  3. In the Web Part tool pane, click the button next to the Dashboard text box to open the Select Dashboard dialog box.

  4. In the Select Dashboard dialog box, select a dashboard that has been published to Monitoring Server, and then click OK. The dialog box closes, and the name of the selected dashboard appears in the Dashboard section of the Web Part tool pane.

  5. In the Web Part tool pane, click the button next to the Dashboard Item text box to open the Select Dashboard Item dialog box.

  6. In the Select Dashboard Item dialog box, select the dashboard element you want to add. You may have to expand tree controls to browse to an individual element. (In this case, an element is a report, scorecard, or filter. You cannot add the whole dashboard page.) Click OK. The dialog box closes, and the name of the selected dashboard element appears in the Dashboard Item section in the Web Part tool pane.

  7. Click OK. The tool pane closes, and the page is automatically updated to display the new element.