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You can easily view and explore data by using analytic grids in a dashboard. Analytic grids enable you to drill down (or up) to see lower (or higher) levels of detail, see the individual transactions that make up a particular value in a grid cell, or change the grid to view data in another cube dimension. This is useful when you want to see more information than is displayed in the dashboard.

To expand or collapse a row or column in the grid

  • To expand a row or column, either click the plus sign (+) to the immediate left of an item, or right-click the item and select Expand. This will expand the report to show the current report information and the next level of detail.

  • To collapse a row or column, either click the minus sign (-) to the immediate left of an item, or right-click an item and select Collapse. This will update the report to hide the next level of data and only show the current report information.

    If there is no plus or minus sign next to an item, or if you do not see Expand (or Collapse) on the menu when you right-click an item, you are at the lowest (or highest) level of data in the report. You can stay at this level of detail or decide to drill down to a different dimension.

To drill down on a row or column in the grid

  • Right-click a row or column in the grid and select Drill Down. The grid is updated to display the next level of detail. For example, if you drill down in a grid showing data for a hierarchy level called All Geographies, the grid will update to show data for the next level of geography data (such as Country/Region).

    If you cannot drill down on an item in the grid, you are already at the lowest level of detail for that dimension. You can stay at this level of detail or choose to drill down in a different dimension.

To drill up to see a higher level of detail in a grid

  • Right-click an item in the grid and select Drill Up. The grid is automatically updated to display the next higher level of detail.

    If the Drill Up option is not available, you are at the highest level of detail for the report. You can either stay at this level of detail or choose to drill down to a different dimension.

To drill down to a different dimension

  1. Right-click an item in the grid and select Drill Down To. This will load a list of available dimensions you can explore. (It may take a moment for the list to load, depending on the cube size and number of available dimensions.)

  2. Click the dimension you want to view. The grid is updated to show data for the selected dimension.

  3. (Optional) If the grid updates with too many pages of data or takes too long to load, you may have initiated a long-running query with too much information. You can do one of the following to stop the query:

    • Click the Back button in your Internet browser.

    • Select Reset View from the Web Part menu. This will restore the view to how it originally appeared in the dashboard before you began exploring the data.

To show transaction-level details for a cell in the grid (also called Drillthrough)

  • Right-click a cell in the grid and either select Show Details or select Additional Actions and then Drillthrough. A new browser window will open showing individual line items for the selected value.

    • The transaction-level details displayed are specific to the cell in the grid where you right-clicked.

    • You can view the data in the browser window or export it to Microsoft Office Excel (by using the Web Part menu).

To undo changes (one at a time) for a grid opened in a new browser window

  • Click the Back button in your browser window. This will undo the last change you made to the view. This is useful if you have made several changes to the report and do not necessarily want to reset the grid to the default view.

    If the Back button is not active, then the report is displayed in the default report view.

To reset the report view

  • Reset the report view by using one of the following methods:

    • If the grid has been opened in a new browser window, click the Refresh button in the new browser window. This resets the analytic grid to the default view shown in the dashboard.

    • If the grid is being viewed in its original location in the dashboard, open the Web Part menu, and then select Reset View.