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Analytic grids work with data stored in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. Analysis Services databases are often very large. Depending on the report and the data, drilling to the next level of detail can produce a large set of results. Analytic grids have a data paging feature that makes it easy for you to see the next level of information without waiting for a long query to run or dealing with too many details crammed on one screen.

Data paging in the analytic grid takes large amounts of data and arranges the data into pages of no more than 100 rows per page. When multiple pages of data are displayed in an analytic grid, a toolbar appears across the top of the report with paging capabilities (located on the far right side of the toolbar). Controls are provided on this toolbar so that you can see how many pages of data are in the chart. Scroll through the pages one at a time, or go to the last page of data. If this level of detail is not what you need, you also have the option of resetting the report to its default view.

To click through pages of data

  • Click a paging control button. Paging control options include the following:

    • First (double arrow that points left) - This takes you to the first page in the report. If you are already on the first page, this button is disabled.

    • Previous (single arrow that points left) - This takes you to the previous page. If you are on the first page, this button is disabled.

    • Next (single arrow pointing right) - This takes you to the following page. If you are on the last page, this button is disabled.

    • Last (double arrows pointing right) - This takes you to the last page. If you are already on the last page, this button is disabled.

    • All - This removes the paging effect and displays all the data on one screen.

To reset the report view

  • Reset the report view by using one of the following methods:

    • If the grid has been opened in a new browser window, click the Refresh button in the new browser window.

    • If the grid is being viewed in its original location in the dashboard, open the Web Part menu, and then select Reset View.