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You can change a report type and specify whether or where the chart legend is displayed. You can make these changes by using toolbar commands that appear when the analytic chart has been opened in a new browser window. You can also use right-click functionality on the chart to open shortcut menus. As you apply changes by using the toolbar commands or right-click functionality, the report automatically updates to display the new chart type or legend selections.

To open an analytic chart in a new browser window

  • From the Web Part menu, select Open in New Window. A new browser window will open displaying the analytic chart report.

To change a report type

  1. Use one of the following methods to view the report type toolbar commands or shortcut menu options:

    • Open the report in a new browser window to display the toolbar commands (located in the upper corner of the report).

    • Right-click the report to open the shortcut menu, and then select Report Type.

  2. Click to select the report type you want to apply to the report. The report types that are available on the toolbar and shortcut menu are as follows:

    • Grid - changes a line or bar chart to a grid.

    • Bar Chart - changes a report to a standard bar chart.

    • Stacked Bar Chart - changes a report to a stacked bar chart that displays the sum total amount for the bar on the series (vertical axis), and bands of color that show how much each item contributed toward that total amount.

    • 100% Stacked Bar Chart - changes a report to a 100% stacked bar chart that displays the sum total as 100% on the series (vertical axis), and bands of color that show how much each item contributed (as a percentage) toward that total amount.

    • Line Chart - changes a report to a standard line chart.

    • Line Chart with Markers - changes a report to a line chart that has dots (or some other similar distinguishing mark) to show where the value is on the chart series. (This makes it easier for report viewers to be more precise in estimating report values.)

To specify where the chart legend is displayed

  1. Use one of the following methods to view the legend display options:

    • Open the chart in a new browser window to display the toolbar commands (located in the upper corner of the report). Then click the Legend toolbar command to open its menu.

    • Right-click the chart to open the shortcut menu, and then click Format Report to view the shortcut menu options.

  2. Click to select the legend option that you want to apply to the chart. The legend options that are available on the toolbar and shortcut menu are as follows:

    • Show Legend at Right - displays the legend to the right of the report.

    • Show Legend at Top - displays the legend immediately above the report.

    • Don't Show - displays the report without the legend.

To undo your changes

  • Use one of the following methods to undo changes that you made to the report type and format:

    • Click the Back button in your browser window. This will undo the last change you made to the view. This is useful if you have made several changes to the report and do not necessarily want to reset the chart to the default view.

    • Reset the report to its default view.

To reset the report view

  • Reset the report view by using one of the following methods:

    • If the chart has been opened in a new browser window, click the Refresh button in the new browser window. This not only resets the analytic chart to the default view shown in the dashboard but also resizes the chart to fit inside the new browser window.

    • If the chart is being viewed in its original location in the dashboard, open the Web Part menu, and then select Reset View.