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Welcoming the Era of Society 5.0, Angela Tanoesoedibjo: Young Generation Must Aspire to Digital Natives

  • 19 Dec 2022

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Deputy Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Wamenparekraf/Kabaparekraf), Angela Tanoesoedibjo said, Indonesia's young generation must be able to play an important role in developing the digital economy in Indonesia. This was conveyed by Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Angela, when she was the keynote speaker in the Healthy MSMEs Chat Webinar, Young Enthusiasm Doubles the Cuan, Sunday (30/10/2022).

Deputy Minister for Tourism and Creative Economy Angela - who is also Deputy Chairperson of the Perindo Party for Digital & Creative Economy - explained, Indonesia's young generation must be willing to increase their digital literacy, because they must be able to take an important role in the development of a digital-based economy going forward. "The abilities and advantages of digital natives owned by the younger generation must continue to be honed so that they are more competitive in entering the era of society 5.0," he said.

The Vice Minister explained, based on BPS data, the ratio of the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia was still 3.47% or only around 9 million people of the total population. Even though it increased from 2016 which was 3.1%. This figure is still low compared to Singapore which reached 8.5%. Malaysia and Thailand have also reached 4.5%. "Indonesia is targeting a percentage increase of 3.9 - 4 percent in 2024. Based on the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI), Indonesia currently ranks 75th out of 137 countries with a score of 26. The government targets to rise to 60th," he said.

Therefore, said Deputy Minister of Parkeraf Angela, Indonesia will rely on one of its strengths, namely the strength of MSMEs.

Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the number of MSMEs currently reaches 64.2 million with a contribution to GDP of 61.07 percent or IDR 8,573.89 trillion. "The contribution of MSMEs to the Indonesian economy includes the ability to absorb 97 percent of the total existing workforce. And can collect up to 60.4 percent of the total investment, "he said. Currently, the government is encouraging digitization from MSMEs to artisans in Indonesia so that the Proud Made in Indonesia National Movement (Gernas BBI) is realized.

Since its launch on May 14 2020 until August 2022, Gernas BBI has encouraged more than 12.1 million MSMEs to additional artisans for onboarding. So that now more than 20.1 million MSMEs have entered the digital platform. "This phenomenon explains that MSMEs are a productive business to support the macro and micro economy in Indonesia, as well as influencing other sectors to develop. For this reason, I hope that the younger generation in Indonesia can see this as an opportunity so that they can take part in the development of MSMEs," said Angela.

In starting and developing a business in the MSME sector, a number of things are needed, such as having entrepreneurial skills, methods of developing a business through team management and networking, managing teams and business partners, and how to maximize opportunities. "In addition to being able to take a stand and develop strategies for managing teams and business partners, as well as maximizing the community in supporting business operations and efficiency," he said.


This article was published on the page on Tuesday, 01 November 2022 - 13:47 WIB by MNC Media with the title "Welcoming the Era of Society 5.0, Angela Tanoesoedibjo: Young Generation Must Accelerate Digital Natives Capability | Page 2". For more visit: 

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  • parefraf
  • society 5.0
  • society
  • 2022
  • SDM
  • SME
  • BPS
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  • Human Resources
  • parefraf
  • society 5.0
  • society
  • 2022
  • SDM
  • SME
  • BPS
  • HR
  • Human Resources