Lembaga negara yang independen yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengaturan, pengawasan, pemeriksaan, dan penyidikan.
Imansyah was born in Balikpapan in 1965. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Law from Airlangga University in 1989. He obtained his Master of Law (LL. M.) in Banking and Financial Law from Western Sydney University in 1997.
He held various positions in OJK, namely as the Head of Department Strategic Policy Sector (2013-2015), Deputy Commissioner for Management Strategic 1A (2015-2017), Deputy Commissioner of Integrated Regulation and Supervision (2017-2018), Deputy Commissioner of International and Research (2018-2020), Deputy Commissioner of OJK Institute and Digital Asset (2020-2023) and Deputy Commissioner of Secretariat of Board Commissioners and Logistics (2023-2024). His last position was as the Head of West Java OJK Office since 2024.
Apart from that, he also additionally as Deputy Commissioner of Financial System Stability (2019), Deputy Commissioner of Secretariat of Board Commissioners, and Logistics (2022-2023) and Deputy Commissioner of International Affairs, Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing (2023).