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Press Release OJK Riau: Enhances Financial Literacy, Educates Creative Industry Players at Riau Modest Fashion Parade

 Press Release OJK Riau: Enhances Financial Literacy, Educates Creative Industry Players at Riau Modest Fashion Parade

January 23, 2025
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OJK Riau Enhances Financial Literacy, Educates Creative Industry Players at Riau Modest Fashion Parade

Pekanbaru, January 23, 2025 – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Riau Province continues to improve public financial literacy, particularly for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in various creative industries, including fashion, to enhance their financial management and business development.

To support these efforts, OJK Riau collaborated with the Indonesia Fashion Chamber (IFC) to organize financial education and literacy activities as part of the Riau Modest Fashion Parade 2025 held at the Ballroom of the Pangeran Hotel Pekanbaru on Thursday.

Head of OJK Riau Province, Triyoga Laksito, stated that the activity aimed to equip fashion industry players with adequate financial knowledge. "With good financial literacy, designers and fashion business actors can make more informed business decisions, manage risks better, and develop their businesses sustainably," said Triyoga.

The educational activity was attended by 100 IFC members from all over Indonesia, and participants were given material related to the introduction of OJK, the importance of maintaining the security of financial transactions, and effective financial management tips for fashion business actors.

In the face of post-pandemic economic challenges, MSMEs and Business Actors in Riau need support to improve their ability to manage finances and take advantage of existing business opportunities. The education program organized by OJK Riau aims to equip MSMEs and Business Actors with the knowledge and skills needed to survive and grow in a dynamic condition.

Some of the education programs that have been and will be implemented include:

  • Workshops and seminars: Inviting resource persons from Financial Services Institutions to provide material on financial planning, financial management, access to financing, and consumer protection.
  • Visits to MSMEs: Providing direct consultation to MSME actors regarding financial problems faced and appropriate solutions.
  • Socialization through social media: Disseminating information about financial literacy through various social media platforms.
  • Collaboration with universities: Forming education programs for students to generate innovative solutions in improving financial literacy.

Through this education program, OJK Riau invites all stakeholders, including local governments, banks, non-bank financial institutions, and business associations, to synergize in improving financial literacy in Riau Province. Thus, it is hoped that a healthy and inclusive financial ecosystem can be created, and encourage sustainable economic growth.

In the future, the OJK of Riau Province will continue to increase collaboration with all stakeholders in improving financial access in Riau Province to have a positive impact on economic growth and community welfare.


Further information:

Head of OJK Riau Province - Triyoga Laksito

Phone.0761 7874564

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