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Roadmap of Financing Companies Development and Strengthening 2024-2028

 Roadmap of Financing Companies Development and Strengthening 2024-2028

Mar 5 2024
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​Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) launched the Roadmap of Financing Companies Development and Strengthening 2024-2028, which includes associations, industries, and other related stakeholders’ involvement. The roadmap is expected to become the long-term guideline, as well as the solution on seizing opportunities and facing the challenges of the financing industry in the next 5 years.

The roadmap is also expected to provide clear direction for financing companies development and strengthening in Indonesia. The agreeme​nt between OJK and the industry and their commitment are required to monitor the roadmap’s implementation. We are determined to create a sound, inclusive, and technologically adaptive financing companies industry with high integrity and contribution to continuous economic growth through the strategies and work program written in the Roadmap of Financing Companies Development and Strengthening 2024-2028.

OJK anticipated the roadmap to bring benefits, especially for stakeholders and the general public in Indonesia. OJK invites all parties, including the government, the industry, and the public to actively collaborate in carrying out the Financing Companies Roadmap.

Roadmap of Financing Companies Development and Strengthening 2024-2028 is a living document and will be updated in align with the economy dynamics and financing companies industry, thereby opening up possibilities on adjustments to the ro​admap’s work programs. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the developments of the work programs prepared in the roadmap.

For more information, please download the attached file.​

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