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Press Release: Building The Money-Saving Young Generation For Developed Indonesia

 Press Release: Building The Money-Saving Young Generation For Developed Indonesia

Aug 20 2023
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​Commemoration of 2023 Indonesia Saving Day

Cibubur, August 20, 2023. Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) strives to promote financial savings to the younger generations as it improves financial inclusion and future planning as well as strengthens financing for development.

This objective is conveyed by Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of OJK Mahendra Siregar during the 2023 Indonesia Savings Day and the 2023 Pramuka Raimuna Nasional XII activities at Bumi Perkemahan dan Graha Wisata Pramuka (Buperta), Cibubur, West Java.

To further encourage people to save money, besides issued One Account One Student (Satu Rekening Satu Pelajar/KEJAR), OJK also collaborates with Kwarnas Pramuka in revising Special Competency Requirement (SKK) of Savers and SKK Financial Competent (SKK Cakap Keuangan) as a follow up of SKK Savers (SKK Penabung).

OJK expects from the two SKK, Pramuka Indonesia will have the skills to save, plan and manage their financials well.

“We see that Pramuka activities are rooted from discipline acts has reached a certain goal and has the right high function and social responsibility for us to improve financial literacy and inclusion, thereby achieving the set target as well as providing more benefits and values to the public from access and financial services industry," said Mahendra.

Chief Executive of Market Conduct Supervision, Education, and Consumer Protection OJK, Friderica Widyasari Dewi stated that 80 percent or 52 million students in Indonesia already have their own bank account with the total amounting to approximately Rp29 trillion.

One year after the 2022 Indonesia Saving Day as of today, there are additional of 2.6 million bank accounts with the savings total of Rp4 trillion.

“Hopefully this will become a public movement, especially Pramuka to become the ambassador of Indonesia financial literacy and inclusion, in preparation of a new generation of excellent leaders," said Friderica.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Board of Commissioners of LPS Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa supports OJK's effort in increasing the number of important customers for national inclusion improvement and national financial sector stability preservation.

“For me, the more people save their money, the more fund LPS has. Secondly, the more literate someone in the investing and banking culture, the less people will panic when turmoil occurs in the financial sector. Consequently, finances become stable, and banks are less likely to meet their downfall," he explained.

In this 2023 Indonesia Saving Day, OJK holds KEJAR Prestasi dan Bangun Generasi Kita (KREASI BANGKIT), which is participated by thousands of Pramuka from across Indonesia.

KREASI BANGKIT explores “Bangun Generasi Indonesia Menabung Tingkatkan Literasi dan Inklusi Keuangan untuk Indonesia Maju" as its theme and is organized in various activities, including massive bank account opening for the students' segment, Circular Letter issuance regarding the implementation of Satu Rekening Satu Pelajar (KEJAR) Program, KEJAR Award, financial education and interactive information dissemination activities, as well as publication of KEJAR program.

Throughout one year after the 2022 Indonesia Saving Day, there has been 51,975 education and interactive information dissemination activities carried out to 9,815 education institution involving school instruments, regional governmental apparatus, and banks.

Meanwhile, throughout the KREASI BANGKIT period (July until August 2023), there are 653,814 student bank accounts opened with 7,595 financial education and interactive information dissemination activities involving 2,724 education institution.


As an appreciation to participating banks, education institutions, dan regions that actively participate and contribute to support cultivating the saving culture and habit, particularly through KEJAR Program, OJK holds 2023 KEJAR Award, with the following winners:

I. The Best Bank for KEJAR Implementation

  • SOE Bank Category: PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk

  • National Private Bank Category: PT Bank Pan Indonesia, Tbk

  • Sharia Bank Category: PT Bank BCA Syariah

  • BPD Bank Category: PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk

  • BPR Bank Category: PD BPR BP Kulon Progo

II. Best Achieving Bank in HIM: PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk

III. Best Bank for KEJAR Digitalization: PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk

IV. Most Active Bank in Carrying out the Bank Goes to School (BGTS): PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali

V. Best Education Institution For KEJAR Implementation

  • General Education Institution Category: SMKN 1 Wonosari Mitra PT BPD DIY

  • Religion Education Institution Category: SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Metro Mitra PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk

VI. Best KEJAR Implementing Region

  • Provincial Level: Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

  • Regency/ City Level: Kota Metro, Provinsi Lampung




For more information:

Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa;

Tel. (021) 29600000; E-mail:

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