SP 36/GKPB/OJK/II/2025
Integrated Capital Market Educational Dissemination (SEPMT) 2025 in Padang
Padang, February 21, 2025. Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) held the Integrated Capital Market Education and Dissemination (SEPMT) 2025 in West Sumatera to promote the uses of Indonesia Capital Market products to the public, especially the younger generation.
“A proper understanding on the world of investment becomes increasingly relevant for the younger generation for sorting out information and making the right investment decisions," said Chief Executive of Capital Markets, Financial Derivatives, and Carbon Exchange Supervision of OJK Inarno Djajadi during SEPMT 2025 at Universitas Andalas, Friday.
Capital Market acts as one of the legal, orderly, and OJK-monitored investment options, opening opportunities for young investors to safely and continuously invest, Inarno added.
“We cannot just save money in bank accounts, as it will be hit by inflation. To maintain the value of this money, we need to consider a much more flexible and liquid investing instruments, such as Capital Market, which offers profit through dividend and capital gains," Inarno said.
Furthermore, Inarno explained the large potentials of West Sumatera province in investor growth and capital market utilization as sources of financing.
He considered the investor growth to be rapid.
As of February 13, 2025, there are 15.3 million investors, 3.2 percent growth compared to the end of 2024.
Based on the age groups, investors under 30 years old make up the majority, amounting to 54.83 percent of the total investors. Investors in West Sumatera amounted to 195,749 people, contributing 14.64 percent of the total investors in Sumatera Island. West Sumatera ranked 3rd with the most investors in Sumatera Island.
Rector of Universitas Andalas Hefrizal Handra extended his appreciation to OJK for the education event and expected students to understand and optimize Indonesia Capital Market early on.
“The Capital Market is the most vital element in Indonesia's economy as the largest economy potentials. As the 4th most populous country, Indonesia can utilize the capital market to support economic growth, both for Corporates that requires financing or individuals who are interested in investing. Therefore, if university students want to invest, the choice is various, one of which is the capital market itself," said Hefrizal.
SEPMT was held from February 19 to 21, 2025, as a part of OJK's measures in deepening the public's comprehension and promoting Indonesia Capital Market as a financing alternative for corporates and MSMEs.
This program also supports Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD)'s theme in 2025: “Accelerating Capital Market Products & Services Utilization", which focuses on financing through Securities Crowdfunding (SCF) and Initial Public Offering (IPO).
Based on OJK National Survey on Financial Literacy and Inclusion in 2024, Indonesia financial literacy index was at 65.43 percent, while the financial inclusion index was at 75.02 percent. SEPMT 2025 becomes the strategic measure to increase people's awareness and participation in using financial products and services, including legal and continuous investment.
SEPMT 2025 in West Sumatera was held for three days (February 19-21, 2025), with the following activities and agendas:
- Sharia Capital Market Training of Trainers for academicians and teachers;
- Capital Market as Corporate Financing Alternative Dissemination to promote capital market utilization for MSE and regional corporations;
- Capital Market Financial Products and Access Dissemination with the regional government;
- Public Lecture at Universitas Andalas, "Enhancing Gen Z's Knowledge of Capital Market", to increase university students' understanding of capital market investment; and
- Dissemination of various OJK Regulations (POJK) on Capital Market, Financial Derivatives, and Regional Bonds.
OJK aims to increase potential investors and issuer candidates from West Sumatera and to promote capital market as financing source for regional developments and local businesses through SEPMT 2025.
SEPMT 2025 is an OJK program that synergizes with Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO) such as Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation (KPEI), Indonesia Securities Central Custodian (KSEI), as well as Regional Government and other stakeholders.
OJK expects to develop inclusive and competitive capital market ecosystem and to provide public protection from illegal investment through SEPMT 2025.
For more information
Acting Head of Financial Literacy, Inclusion, and Communication Dept. – M. Ismail Riyadi
Telp. 021.29600000; Email: humas@ojk.go.id