Press Release: OJK's Consistent Effort To Eradicate Online Gambling Activities

Aug 2 2024
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SP 107/GKPB/OJK/VII/2024




Jakarta, August 2, 2024. C​hief Executive of Banking Supervision of Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) Dian Ediana Rae underlined that OJK consistently undertakes various efforts within its auhtority to eradicate online gambling.

OJK has ordered banks to block more than 6,000 bank accounts indicated to be related to online gambling transaction; instructed bank to carry out Enhance Due Diligence (EDD) on customers indicated having involvement in online gambling transaction and report their transactions as Suspicious Financial Transaction to PPATK. Shall the EDD prove that the customer has violated the regulations through online gambling involvement, banks are authorized to limit or even remove the customer's access to open bank accounts (blacklisting).

According to Law Number 8 of 2010 on Money-Laundering Crimes Prevention and Eradication, gambling is subjected as Criminal Activities. OJK and Banks continuously improve Anti-Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorism Financing, and Proliferation Financing of Weapons of Mass Destruction programs.

OJK continues to monitor Banks in responding the challenges of online gambling eradication by strengthening APU, PPT, and PPPSPM, as well as Anti-Fraud unit functions, minimizing bank account sales and purchases, and optimizing IT uses in economy-related crimes identification, including online gambling.

Banks also have taken various measures to minimize bank account utilization for online gambling purposes, such as following up OJK's instruction to ban bank accounts, handling bank account sales and purchases, adjusting the transaction parameters to filter in smaller transactions (frequently occurring in online gambling transactions) from Rp10,000, web-crawling and coordinating with the Ministry of Communication and Information to close down online gambling web sites, and monitoring cross-country transactions.

OJK, together with 35 OJK Offices located in all over Indonesia, has carried out massive campaigns on money laundering. These campaigns were in collaboration with banks and related stakeholders. OJK views that public dissemination on online gambling should be consistently carried out to raise public awareness on the consequences and harms of online gambling.  OJK has also coordinated with Banks management to highlight the management's commitment in eradicating online gambling internally and externally.

Online gambling shall be handled together with Law Enforcement Apparatus and related Ministries/Institutions, as implied in the goals of Online Gambling Eradication Task Force, established through Presidential Decree Number 21 of 2024. As a part of this Task Force, OJK will continue to coordinate with the Regulatory Supervisory Institution (RSI) and other Ministry/Institution, including responding the payment system channels used in online gambling to improve APU, PPT, and PPPSPM program effectiveness.


For more information:
Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa
Tel. (021) 29600000; E-mail: 

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