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Press Release: OJK Inaugurates Heads of OJK Offices Covering Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua Areas

 Press Release: OJK Inaugurates Heads of OJK Offices Covering Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua Areas

Feb 27 2014
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Financial Services Authority, February 27th, 2014: Deputy Chairman of OJK Board of Commissioners Rahmat Waluyanto inaugurated six officials to function as heads of OJK offices in Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua on Thursday (27/2) at OJK Regional Office in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Adnan Djuanda was inaugurated as Head of OJK Regional Office 6 which covers Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua areas.

Rahmat also inaugurated F.A. Purnama Jaya as Head of OJK Office covering North Sulawesi, Gorontalo and North Maluku provinces; Prio Anggoro as Head of OJK Office covering Papua and West Papua provinces; Ahmad Murad as Head of OJK Office covering Central Sulawesi province; Widodo as Head of OJK Office covering Southeast Sulawesi province; and Laksono Dwionggo as Head of OJK Office covering Maluku province.

With the transferring of functions, duties and authority related to regulation and supervision of all financial services institutions from Bank Indonesia to OJK, which started in end of 2013, OJK must certainly deal with bigger challenges. Demands and expectations from stakeholders are also getting higher, Rahmat said.

In order to carry out the functions, duties and authority properly, various parties, from regional governments, Bank Indonesia and other social components in the areas, must support OJK offices in regional areas. This will be based on common objective, which is to realize the convening of financial services sector so as to improve the prosperity and economic status of people living in regional areas.

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