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Press Release: OJK Launches Financial Literacy Books to Boost Financial Awareness Among University Students

 Press Release: OJK Launches Financial Literacy Books to Boost Financial Awareness Among University Students

Aug 23 2016
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Financial Services Authority, Jakarta, August 23, 2016: The Financial Services Authority (OJK) launched a series of financial literacy books for university students at Pelita Harapan University, Karawaci, Tangerang, as part of the implementation of the National Strategy on Indonesian Financial Literacy (SNLKI), since one of the Strategy's pillars has mandated the institution to carry out national education and campaign on financial literacy.

Chairman of the OJK's Board of Commissioners, Muliaman D Hadad and the Board's member for Consumer Education and Protection, Kusumaningtuti S Soetiono, were present at the event together with the Director General for Learning and Student Affairs of the Research and Technology and Higher Education Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia, Intan Ahmad, and Pelita Harapan University Rector, Jonathan L Parapak.

The university-level financial literacy book series were written by a team that included the OJK, the working group of the financial services industry, trusted practitioners in their respective industries, and scholars. The series consist of eight books and one supplement on financial planning and their titles are listed below:

1.    Book 1  : OJK and Micro-Prudential Supervision

2.    Book 2  : The Banking Industry

3.    Book 3  : The Capital Market

4.    Book 4  : The Insurance Industry

5.    Book 5  : Financing Institutions

6.    Book 6  : Pension Fund

7.    Book 7  : Other Financial Services Institutions

8.    Book 8  : The Sharia Financial Services Industry

9.    Book 9 (a supplement) : Financial Planning

The launching followed similar events held previously. Earlier, the OJK launched a book on financial literacy aimed at elementary school students (grade four and grade five pupils), titled "Getting to Know Financial Services," and another book aimed at junior and senior high school students (grade ten pupils), titled "Getting to Know OJK and Financial Services Industry."

When writing the books, the writing team was guided by the rules and theories prevailing in each financial services sector, and standards of material description for university textbooks today. The team also made sure that the contents would be applicable both to the workplace and daily life. To promote the use of these books, the OJK has coordinated with the Research and Technology and Higher Education Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Financial Literacy book series launching was followed by a general lecture on introduction to the materials that was presented by the books' writing team to the participants that included students, lecturers, boards of directors of financial services institutions, representatives of senior high school teachers, and other invitees. 

As a follow-up to the book launching and to utilize the books, the OJK will distribute the books to public and private universities in Indonesia in order to provide information and education to the public, especially Indonesian students. 

The general public can easily download the financial literacy book series for university students from a minisite called The OJK will also hold training of trainers programs for university lecturers in various cities across Indonesia so they will have no difficulty when teaching about the books to their students.

Data from the Research and Technology and Higher Education Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia showed that  in 2015, more than one million students studied at economic faculties, which made up around 18 percent of total university students across Indonesia.

It is expected that the academic community in general and economic-faculty students in particular, would gain insights from the books and understand basic concepts of various financial products, so they would be able to implement better financial planning and management, and would use financial products and services towards better welfare in the future.

These university-level books do not only present theories, but they also provide information on a range of professions in the financial services sector that will be useful for students interested to develop their careers in the financial services industry.

The books were published in the hope that they would help university students and the public understand more about different sectors in the financial services industry and ultimately would raise the standard of living in Indonesia. 


For more information:

Anggar B. Nuraini, Deputy Commissioner for Consumer Education and Protection

Tel 62 21 2960 0000 Email

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