Consumer Press Release

Press Release: RI President Campaigns For "Let's Save" Movement
October 31, 2016

President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo launched a campaign for the "Let's Save" movement to boost the culture of saving in various financial services products among the population and in order to support financing for national development...

Press Release: OJK Launches Financial Literacy Books to Boost Financial Awareness Among University Students
August 23, 2016

OJK launched a series of financial literacy books for university students at Pelita Harapan University, Karawaci, Tangerang, as part of the implementation of the National Strategy on Indonesian Financial Literacy.

Press Release: OJK and BNN Partner Up for Financial Education and Drugs Abuse Prevention
August 19, 2016

The Financial Services Authority and the National Narcotics Agency have entered into a partnership for developing financial literacy and education and preventing drugs abuse.

Press Release: OJK Launches Portal of Unlisted Investment Companies
August 18, 2016

The IAP launch was the OJK's preventive measure in its effort to raise public caution—so they will not be easily lured by investment offers with obscure legal status—and to curb investment offers that expose the public to potential loss.

Press Release: OJK Set Up Malang Team for TPAKD to Foster Financial Inclusion
August 8, 2016

OJK and the Regency Government of Malang, East Java, have appointed the Team for Acceleration of Regional Financial Access of the Malang Regency, as part of the national financial inclusion program initiated by the OJK.

Press Release: OJK to Boost the Number of Student Savings Accounts (SIMPEL)
July 22, 2016

OJK has been promoting the Student Savings program to raise awareness about the product and to make sure students across Indonesia will take advantage of the program.

Press Release: OJK to Increase Protection for Consumers in Palembang
July 21, 2016

OJK held Dissemination of Its Regulations on Implementation of Education and Consumer Complaint Services by Financial Services Institutions, in Applying Regulations on Consumer Protection.

Press Release: OJK Launch Central Java Team for Financial Access Acceleration
July 15, 2016

Member of the OJK's Board of Commissioners, Kusumaningtuti S. Soetiono, and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo appointed the Central Java Province Team for Acceleration of Regional Financial Access.

Press Release: Inauguration of Team for Acceleration of Regional Financial Access Bali
June 27, 2016

Member of the Board of Commissioners of the OJK Kusumaningtuti S. Soetiono and Deputy Governor of the Bali Province Ketut Sudikerta inaugurated the TPAKD Bali.

Press Release: OJK Gives Education and Financial Literacy at Islamic Boarding Schools during Safari Ramadhan
June 9, 2016

Savings culture is important to be initiated since early age, so that children can be educated to be capable of controlling themselves in consumption and to make them learn to spend money wisely.

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