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Insurance is an agreement between insurer and insured, which obligates the insured to pay an amount of premium to cover the risk of loss, damage, death, or loss of anticipated profit that are possible to happen due to unexpected incidents.

Insurance business encompasses business activities in the fields of:

  1. Insurance business, that is financial services business performed by gathering society’s fund through insurance premium accumulation in order to provide protection to members of society, who use insurance service, against loss due to uncertain incidents or related to the life or death of someone.
  2. Insurance supporting business, which is a business that manages intermediary services, insurance loss appraisal and actuarial services.

Insurance business is performed by:

  1. Insurance Company:
    1. Protection Insurance Company, that is a company that provides services in handling risk against damage, loss of benefit, and legal responsibility to third party due to uncertain incidents.
    2. Life insurance Company, that is a company which provides services in handling risk related to the event of life or death of an insured.
    3. Reinsurance Company, that is a company, which provides reinsurance against risk, handled by Protection Insurance Company and/or Life Insurance Company.
  2. Insurance Supporting Business:
    1. Insurance Broker Company, that is a company, which provides intermediary services in insurance settlement and in handling insurance claim settlement by acting for the interest of an insured.
    2. Reinsurance Broker Company, that is a company which provides intermediary services in reinsurance placement and in handling reinsurance claim settlement by acting for the interest of an insurance company.
    3. Insurance Agent, that is someone or a legal entity that provides services in marketing insurance services for and on behalf of an insurer.
    4. Insurance Loss Appraiser Company, which is a company, that provides assessment services regarding loss of an insured object.
    5. Actuarial Consultant Company, that is a company which provides actuarial services for insurance company and pension fund management in order to establish and manage an insurance or pension program.​

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