Supporting Institutions and Professions




Supporting institutions are institutions that support capital market operational activities, functioning to serve professionals and public.

The supporting institutions are comprised of custodian bank, securities administrator, trustee, and rating agency.​


Custodian bank is a bank that obtains consent from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to act as a party which offers services such as providing securities deposit and other assets related to securities, and also offers other services that include receiving dividend, interest and other properties, settling securities transaction, as well as representing account holder being the bank’s customer.

Requirements and procedures for a commercial bank to be consented as custodian bank are regulated in government regulation.​

Data of Custodian Bank

Securities administrator is a company that can organize a contract-based business activities with an issuer in the matter of securities ownership registration and distribution of property related to securities, and it has obtained licence from OJK.

Data of Security Administrator

Trustee is a party that represents the interest of debt securities or sukuk holder to do demand prosecution, whether in or out of court, regarding matters related to the interest of the holder without special power of attorney.

Trustee business is performed by commercial bank and other party, which is enacted in government regulation to manage business activities as trustee. Commercial bank and other party must be registered beforehand at OJK. Requirements and procedures of trustee registration are regulated further in government regulation.

Data of Trustee

Rating agency is limited company acting as investment advisor that performs rating activities and gives ratings. Prior to performing its business, rating agency must obtain business licence from OJK.

Rating agency is obliged to carry out is rating activities independently, free from intervention of other party that uses its services, being objective and accountable in giving ratings. Rating agency can perform rating on rating objects as follow:

  • Debt securities, sukuk, asset-backed securities, or other kinds of securities that can be rated;
  • Party as entity (in company rating), including mutual fund and real estate investment trust in the form of collective investment contract.

To run its business, rating agency must be located and performs its operational activities in Indonesia. Aside from that, rating agency is obliged to have procedures and methodology that are accountable, systematic, have underwent a series of examination, and also implemented in a consistent and transparent manner. Furthermore, rating agency that performs rating based on certain party's demand is obliged to make rating contract with the party.



Supporting professions are registered professionals at the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Terms of registration and requirements are stipulated in government regulation.

These supporting professions are comprised of accountant, legal consultant, appraiser, notary, and other professions.​

Accountant is the party responsible for compiling, guiding, supervising, inspecting, and improving bookkeeping and administration of companies or government agencies.

Data and information include:

  1. KAP business licence
  2. KAP address
  3. Name of director
  4. Contact/email address
  5. List of associates​

Appraiser is a party who gives assessment on a company’s assets and is registered at OJK.

Data and information include:

  1. STTD registered number
  2. Business licence number
  3. Office address
  4. Type of appraiser’s business

Notary is a public official who has the authority to make authentic deed and is registered at OJK.

Data and information include:

  1. Office address
  2. Working region
  3. STTD registered number
  4. Certification

Other professions include professionals who can offer opinion or view properly according to possible development of capital market in the future, and they are registered at OJK.


Sharia Capital Market Experts are:

  1. individuals who have knowledge and experience in the field of sharia; or
  2. a business entity whose management and employees have knowledge and experience in the field of sharia,

who provide advice and / or oversee the implementation of Sharia Principles in the Capital Market in the company's business activities and / or provide a statement of sharia suitability for sharia products or services on the Capital Market.

In carrying out its activities, the Sharia Capital Market Experts must first obtain a licence from OJK

Data of Sharia Capital Market Experts