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Press Release: Capital Market Has Large Potential to Finance Maritime and Fisheries Sector

 Press Release: Capital Market Has Large Potential to Finance Maritime and Fisheries Sector

May 17 2016
Download Count : 43


​​Financial Services Authority, Semarang, May 17, 2016: Financial Services Authority (OJK) continuously supports the efforts to develop maritime and fisheries sector, among others by improving financing for industry in the sector through capital market.

OJK in cooperation with Central Java provincial government, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, and Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) conducted a socialization event for business players in the field of maritime and fisheries themed “Capital Market as Source of Funding for Industry in Maritime and Fisheries Sector”.

The event was attended by Chief Executive for Capital Market Supervision Nurhaida, Central Java Governor, officials from Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of Central Java province, company directors in maritime and fisheries sector and other related sectors, and academics from universities in Semarang and surrounding areas.

The socialization event was conducted as a part of OJK’s effort to actively carry out the authority’s programs of financial market deepening, accelerating access to regional finance and developing maritime and fisheries sector.

The event was also intended to spread more information about capital market to business players in regional areas, thereby regional capital market as a source of funding can be improved, especially in boosting business development in maritime and fisheries sector and other related industries.

Apart from that, the increasing number of local companies to hold initial public offering (IPO) will certainly enhance regional economy and encourage economic centers to emerge and grow widely, not to be concentrated only in certain areas.

In the field of capital market, OJK consistently performs market deepening and reinforcement of infrastructure, that is by keep putting efforts into increasing the number of issuers by simplifying IPO process and developing infrastructure for micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) so that they are able to go public, and also by increasing the number of local investors.

The socialization event also gave information about success stories from three local companies on their IPO, namely PT Dua Putra Utama Tbk, PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk and PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk. Additionally, six securities companies participated as well in giving consultation to participants of the socialization event on the benefits and process of funds gathering through capital market.

For this event, OJK invited 135 companies in the field of maritime and fisheries located in Central Java province.

Besides through capital market, OJK has also put efforts into boosting the increase of financing for maritime and fisheries sector through banking sector and non-bank financial industry, that is by realizing the Jaring (Reach, Synergize and Guide) social safety program launched in May 2015.


For more information:

I.B. Aditya Jayaantara, Director of Corporate Financial Assessment in Real Sector, Financial Services Authority. Email:  Phone: 021- 29600000. For inquiries on initial public offering (IPO), email:

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