Capital Market Press Release

Press Release: OJK Speeds Up Licensing and Registration Process For Mutual Fund Sales at Banks and CPA
December 19, 2016

OJK launched the Integrated Registration and Licensing Information System for Mutual Fund Sales through Banks as Mutual Fund Selling Agents and Certified Public Accountant Registration.

Press Release: OJK Urges Industries to Use Capital Market Financing
October 18, 2016

OJK continues encouraging industry players, especially those in regional areas, to utilize the capital market as funding sources for developing their business.

Press Release: OJK Continues Promoting Financial Inclusion Nationwide
October 16, 2016

OJK continues promoting the expansion of the Financial Inclusion for All program to every corner of the Indonesian archipelago. The program is expected to give the public even wider access to the financial services sector.

Press Release: OJK Issues Regulation on Capital Market Investment Products to Support Tax Amnesty Program
August 5, 2016

OJK has issued the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 26/POJK.04/2016 on Investment Products within the Capital Market in order to Support the Law on Tax Amnesty.

Press Release: OJK Prepares Policies On Using Tax Amnesty Funds In Capital Market
June 27, 2016

OJK informed the public about the regulations on the capital market that had been published in the first half of 2016, and some regulations to be published in the second half of the year.

OJK Launches Electronic Licensing and Registration System for Capital Market
May 31, 2016

The Financial Services Authority launched an Electronic Licensing and Registration System for licensing, registration, license extension and reporting for the capital market.

Press Release: OJK Launches Mobile Investment Gallery Program
May 17, 2016

Mobile Investment Gallery is a facility that people can use to help them know more about capital market thus get better comprehension theoretically. It also gives opportunity to society to do simulation of real-time investment transactions.

Press Release: Capital Market Has Large Potential to Finance Maritime and Fisheries Sector
May 17, 2016

OJK in cooperation with Central Java provincial government, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry and Indonesia Stock Exchange conducted a socialization event for business players in the field of maritime and fisheries.

Press Release: OJK Issues Licensing Rules for Underwriters and Brokers-Dealers
May 4, 2016

The Financial Services Authority issued OJK Regulation No. 20/POJK.04/2016 on the Licensing of Securities Companies that Undertake Business Activities as Underwriters and Broker-Dealers.

Press Release: OECD and OJK Launch G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
December 3, 2015

OJK and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched the new G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance in Jakarta as an act of OJK`s participation to support implementation of G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governanc...

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Capital Market
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