Capital Market Ministerial Regulations/Decisions

Date Title Description
April 22, 2015 Share Ownership and Capital of Securities Company Share Ownership and Capital of Securities Company
April 22, 2015 Minister of Finance Regulation No.645/KMK.01/1995 This ministerial regulation is the groundwork for annulment of Minister of Finance Regulation No. 1548/KMK.013/1990 about capital market, which has been revised with Minister of Finance Regulation No. 264/KMK.010/1995, and begin to take effect starting on January 1st, 1996.
April 22, 2015 Minister of Finance Regulation No.455/KMK.01/1997 on Stock Buying by Foreign Investor Through Capital Market This regulation annuls the provision on limitation of stock buying by foreign investors through capital market and stock exchange as stipulated in Minister of Finance Regulation No. 1055/KMK.013/1989.


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Ministerial Regulations/Decisions - Regulation
Capital Market

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