Capital Market Government Regulations

Date Title Description
April 22, 2015 Government Regulation No.46 Year 1995 on Procedures of Examination in Capital Market Sector Government regulation that gives authority to Bapepam to conduct examination on parties that commit violation against laws and regulations related to capital market.
April 22, 2015 Government Regulation No.45 Year 1995 on Management if Activities in Capital Market A government regulation that is drafted to realize an organized, proper and efficient capital market, which contains requirements that must be fulfilled by all parties performing activities in capital market.
April 22, 2015 Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No.4 of 2008 on Financial System Safety Net This government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) is a strong legal groundwork to implement efforts in preventing and handling crises that potentially jeopardize financial stability and national economy.


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Government Regulations - Regulation
Capital Market

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