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"Provision of a complete range of infrastructure to support the creation of a healthy banking industry"

The objective of this program is to build supporting infrastructure for effective banking operations, such as the credit bureau and the loan guarantee scheme. The development of the credit bureau will assist the banking system in improving the quality of credit decisions. Similarly, the development of a loan guarantee scheme will increase public access to credit. It is envisaged that adequate supporting infrastructure for the banking system will be in place within the next three years.

:: Phase of Implementation

​No​Activity (Pillar V)Implementation Schedule
​1.Development of Credit Bureau
1. Initiate the establishment of the Credit Bureau​2004-2005
2. Develop the Debtor Information System for Non Bank Financial Institutions2006 – 2008
2​Promote the development of Islamic Financial Market
1. Draft and develop Islamic financial market regulations2006 – 2010
2. Draft regulations related to Islamic financial market instruments2006 – 2010
3Increase the role of sharia policy institutions and sharia arbitration institutions in an effort to increase the compliance of sharia banks with sharia banking principles2004 – 2010

Indonesian Banking Architecture

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Indonesian Banking Architecture

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