The 2024 edition of the Indonesia Banking Booklet (IBB) constitutes a publication media presenting brief information concerning Indonesian banking throughout 2023 with additional updates until June 2024 in certain sections, including the Indonesian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy (ISFT), Roadmap for the Development and Strengthening of the RB/Sharia RB Industry, data on key banking performance indicators, and published provisions.
This booklet is also expected to provide information regarding direction of the 2024 policies of the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK (Financial Services Authority) as mandated in the 2024 Financial Services Industry Annual Meeting with the theme of “Strong and Stable Financial Services Sector for Supporting Sustainable Economic Growth”, development of the banking industry in Indonesia, as well as regulations and policies in the banking sector issued by the OJK so that the banking industry will have higher competitiveness and contribution.Amidst the sentiment of a global economic slowdown, banking performance during 2023 is still quite good as reflected by the maintained intermediation function and relatively stable and solid bank capital condition, thus demonstrating banks’ adequate ability to absorb risk. In formulating its priorities and policy direction in 2024, the OJK will focus on 3 main policies, namely (1) strengthening the financial services sector within a more integrated regulatory, supervisory, and licensing framework, (2) enhancing the competitiveness of the financial services sector and deepening the financial market in order to encourage inclusive and sustainable national economic growth, and (3) enhancing public and investor confidence in the financial services sector. The OJK also has a major role in efforts to provide direction for and promote the development and digitalization of the national banking in order to have better resilience, higher competitiveness, and higher contribution to the national economy. In terms of strengthening the regulations, in 2023 the OJK has issued 15 (fifteen) banking provisions in the form of 6 (six) OJK Regulations and 9 (nine) OJK Circular Letters as well as several Letters issued by the Chief Executive of Banking Supervisors, and Letters issued by the Head of the Department of Banking Regulation and Development (Head of DPNP). Furthermore, up to June 2024, there have been 4 (four) additional OJK Regulations issued for the Banking sector.The 2024 edition of the IBB has been designed in attractive layout and format to provide ease for the users. The use of QR Code technology in some of the contents in this IBB has also been included, so that the users can easily obtain additional information about the contents being read.We realize that there are yet shortcomings in the presentation of the 2024 IBB, both in contents and format, but we hope that the information presented can yet provide optimal benefits for the users. The users’ input and views on this IBB are welcome, which will enable further enhancement in the next edition of the IBB.