OJK Publishes Sharia Banking and Finance Development Report 2015

Jan 27 2017


​The Sharia Banking and Finance Development Report (LPPKS) 2015 represents an example of the Financial Services Authority's (OJK's) commitment to continuously fostering the Sharia finance industry, by putting together complete and thorough information about the industry's development and the factors that affected the industry throughout 2015.

The LPPKS 2015 described the development of Sharia banking, Sharia capital market and the Sharia non-bank financial industry. It also discussed Bank Indonesia's monetary operation and Sharia money market and the growth of Sharia government debt papers. In addition, this report disclosed the direction taken by the policies designed to develop Sharia finance in 2016. The report was compiled in collaboration with other working units and other relevant institutions, including the Directorate of Sharia Capital Market (DPMS) and the Directorate of Sharia Non-Bank Financial Industry (DBNS) and the Central Bank of Indonesia. The collaboration once again reflects the congenial and excellent cooperation among OJK's working units and government agencies.

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