Sharia Publications

Indonesia Islamic Banking Development Roadmap
August 5, 2021

The Islamic banking industry in Indonesia has continued to expand despite several existing strategic issues and challenges.

Snapshot of Indonesian Sharia Banking Industry as of 30 September 2017
November 6, 2017

The Indonesian Sharia Banking Industry has shown positive developments owing to strong growths in assets, amount of financing distributed, and third-party funds. All performance indicators also demonstrated the industry’s better performance.

OJK Publishes Sharia Banking and Finance Development Report 2015
January 27, 2017

LPPKS 2015 described the development of Sharia banking, Sharia capital market and the Sharia non-bank financial industry.

Sharia IKNB Roadmap 2015-2019
December 1, 2015

From 2010 to 2014, Indonesia’s Sharia financial sector, including the Sharia non-bank financial industry (IKNB), enjoyed significant growth.

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