
Encouraging Literacy and Consumer Protection in the Financial Services Sector in Digital Era

  • 20 Apr 2021
  • Lintas Sektor
  • Online
Webinar Recording
Kepala Departemen Perlindungan Konsumen
Agus Fajri Zam
Executive Vice President Center of Digital BCA
Wani Sabu
Sharia, Goverment Relations & Community Invesment Director Prudential Indonesia
Nini Sumohandoyo


The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation. To survive, every business is “forced” to take advantage of digital technology. The Financial Services Industry today transforming its business processes by utilizing technology and improving the quality of human resources to become digitally literate human resources. Providing service to consumers via digital platforms and the development of digital products is a challenge for the Financial Services Industry to survive. On the other hand, the consumer/general public in the Financial Services Sector must also be aware of the products and digital services offered by the Financial Services Industry.

Indonesia's digital financial literacy level has only reached 35.5%, while people who have used digital services have only reached 31.26%. This shows that many users of financial products in Indonesia do not yet know and are skilled at using financial products effectively. This makes it a challenge for OJK to be able to educate people about digital products and services in financial services and provide consumer protection services by using digital technology. Not only regulators, but industrialists have contributed to improving service, literacy, and financial access to communities by taking advantage of digital technology


Provide understanding and insight into how regulators and industry efforts to improve service, financial literacy and consumer protection in the digital era.

Perwakilan Industri Jasa Keuangan, Akademisi dan Masyarakat Umum / Representatives of the Financial Services Industry, Academics, and The general public.
  • Agus Fajri Zam (Kepala Departemen Perlindungan Konsumen)
  • Wani Sabu (Executive Vice President Center of Digital BCA)
  • Nini Sumohandoyo (Sharia, Goverment Relations & Community Invesment Director Prudential Indonesia)