
BPR Readiness in Utilizing Digital Technology

  • 30 Juni 2022
  • Lintas Sektor
  • Online


The presence of BPR is very necessary for people who live in areas that have not received banking services from commercial banks. BPRs are here to provide banking services for the lower middle class, so their role is very strategic in supporting the regional economy. The number of BPRs in Indonesia currently reaches 1,464 BPRs (OJK data as of February 2022)[1] and most of them are spread across Java and Bali. Even though their number is very large, in terms of assets, it is still far from that of commercial banks. The total assets of all BPRs as of February 2022 only reached IDR 187.4 trillion, which is still far from that of commercial banks.
In the midst of the ongoing digital transformation in the banking industry, this condition is a challenge for BPRs to keep up with the wave of changes towards digitalization that is currently taking place in the banking industry. Digital transformation is expected to have a positive impact not only for banks, but also for the people who use banking services. Therefore, digital transformation is also deemed necessary by BPRs in order to be able to provide better services and also create efficiency.
One of the efforts that can be made by BPRs to increase their competitiveness is to carry out digital transformation. Digital transformation requires BPRs to change their management and operational patterns. The shift from the concept of a traditional bank to a future bank has encouraged rural banks to adjust their business strategy, reorganize distribution networks, encourage banking transactions through digital channels (mobile app and internet) including the use of the latest electronic banking devices, in an effort to improve customer experience (end-to-end digital). solutions).
In order to support the digital transformation process, BPRs need to prepare various things needed, including Human Resources (HR) and other infrastructure facilities. Of course, this needs special attention, considering that these two aspects often become obstacles in accelerating digitalization because they require quite large investment costs.

  1. Knowing the opportunities and challenges in implementing digital transformation for BPRs; And
  2. Support the success and acceleration of digital transformation for BPRs.
Pimpinan dan Pegawai OJK, Perwakilan Industri Jasa Keuangan, Akademisi dan Masyarakat Umum
  • Ayahandayani Kussetyowati (Direktur Penelitian dan Pengaturan BPR, OJK)
  • Tedy Alamsyah (Wakil Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Indonesia - PERBARINDO)
  • Handik Widiarta (Komisaris Utama PT. BPR Indra Candra)
  • I Made Wenten Budiada (Direktur Operasional PT. BPR Lestari Bali )