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Towards Indonesia Emas 2045, Business Actors Need Digitalized HR Management Solutions

  • 06 Jun 2024

Indonesia will soon enter the golden generation, where 70 percent of Indonesia's population will be of productive age in 2045. For this reason, effective, optimal and digitalized Human Resources (HR) management solutions are needed.

Director of the Digital Economy of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Boni Pudjianto said that his party appreciates the alumni of the Startup Studio Indonesia program from Kominfo for coming up with innovative solutions to solve real problems in the field. Firstly, HR management issues.

"We will continue to support the development of young innovative startups in Indonesia to further mature Indonesia's digital economy in the future," said Boni in his statement, Sunday (28/4/2024).

Gregory Kurnia, CEO of DEUS as an alumnus of the Startup Studio Indonesia Batch 6 program from Kominfo, said there were a number of challenges in the governance of HR management or human resources (HR).

According to him, this division plays an important role in identifying company needs, finding the right talent, as well as supporting the growth of each employee and ensuring their welfare.

However, HR management in Indonesia often faces challenges in carrying out its mandate.

Some of them are a lack of employee productivity, a recruitment process that takes time and costs a lot, a mismatch between employee skills and company needs. Then, the effectiveness of KPI metrics is less than optimal, leading to high turnover because employees do not receive proper incentives.

"So far, we have seen that many companies still monitor employee performance manually and conventionally, so they are prone to being affected by human error, data loss and subjectivity bias," said Gregory.

"This manual method also wastes a lot of time. That's why we created DEUS Enhance to help resolve these pain points, so that HR management in the company can run optimally," he continued.

According to him, DEUS Enhance presents an integrated HR system, with accurate and automatic performance assessment metrics or KPIs that are directly connected to the remuneration system (incentives, bonuses and salary increases).


5 trends in digitalization of HR management

Currently, more and more companies are increasing the use of technology to streamline HR management. 

Previously, Mekari Chief Product Officer Aviandri Hidayat said, by digitalizing HR processes and systems, companies can recruit, develop and retain employees more precisely and effectively.

"Digitalization of HR will strengthen the company's ability to carry out manpower planning, or workforce planning, which ensures that the company always has sufficient talent to run the business," said Aviandri some time ago.

"Apart from that, digitizing HR will help companies to strengthen relationships with employees by creating a good work culture for employee welfare and productivity," he said.

He also revealed 5 HR digitalization trends that companies can use as guidelines in planning HR digital transformation strategies.

Among other things, the use of analytical data to strengthen HR insights. Then, "manpower planning to support recruitment. Then, providing benefits for employees to foster a positive work culture. Next, work flexibility to sharpen business agility. Lastly, compliance with work obligations.


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  • sumber daya manusia
  • sdm
  • indonesia emas
  • 2045
  • sumber daya manusia
  • sdm
  • indonesia emas
  • 2045