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National Convention on the Draft Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (RSKKNI) for Banking Risk Management

  • 11 Jul 2024

Surabaya, 8 July 2024. OJK held the National Convention on the Draft Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (RSKKNI) for Banking Risk Management which was attended by 135 participants from banking stakeholders.

In order to strengthen the banking sector as stated in the P2SK Law, it is necessary to develop the human resource competencies of financial services business actors (PUJK) so that they are able to face the latest industrial challenges, especially in facing new risks that arise due to technological developments and climate change. The 2020 review of the SKKNI for Banking Risk Management is one of OJK's efforts together with banking industry stakeholders to realize this goal.

The presence and opening remarks by the Deputy Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners as well as the active participation of the Convention participants in the discussion session is a form of mutual concern in perfecting the RSKKNI for Banking Risk Management so that it can become a guideline and can be implemented together. Also present at this activity were Mr Agus Sugiarto as Head of the OJK Institute, Mr NS Aji Martono as Member of the National Professional Certification Body, and Mr Benny Timbul Parningotan as representative of the Ministry of Manpower.

Apart from that, Mrs. Ni Nyoman Puspani as Director of OJK HR Development Planning expressed her highest appreciation for the dedication and collaboration of all stakeholders so that the RSKKNI could be perfected and mutually agreed upon in the National Convention so that the OJK could follow up on the determination of the RSKKNI to become SKKNI to the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower.

Mirza Adityaswara - Deputy Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners
Agus Sugiarto - Head of the OJK Institute
N.S Aji Martono - Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) Member
Ni Nyoman Puspani - Director of Human Resources Development Planning

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