News - 07 Mei 2024

Indonesia Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance

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OJK as the regulator of the financial services sector always strives to support the government with various sustainable financial policies. This involves the implementation of a taxonomy as a guide to promote capital allocation and sustainable financing growth. the Indonesia Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance (TKBI) can be used by all stakeholders to assess whether an activity meets sustainable aspects. TKBI focuses on the NDC-related sector in which the energy as the first focus sector to support a balanced and gradual energy transition process in Indonesia. Furthermore, additional NDC-related sectors will be developed in subsequent stages.

TKBI is an essential component of the Sustainable Finance policy framework. In addition to providing a standard language for defining economic activity that supports sustainable development objectives in Indonesia, TKBI also acts as a tool for fostering transparency to prevent impact, social, and green washing. TKBI also ensures that the disclosure of sustainability performance between one entity and another is evaluated uniformly. In the future, TKBI will be adjusted in line with the development of discussions on the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) concerning sustainable taxonomy, as mandated in the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UU P2SK).

In order to disseminate the TKBI, OJK has held a series of Dissemination of Indonesia Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance (TKBI) batch I from Wednesday to Thursday, March 6-7, 2024 in Jakarta. and phase II on Tuesday to Wednesday, April 24-25, 2024, in Medan. Documentation and supporting materials during the socialization activities can be downloaded at the following links:

           1. Socialization recording:

            2. Socialization material: