
Banking Trends in 2023

  • 17 Januari 2023
  • Perbankan
  • Online


The COVID-19 pandemic and developments in the use of information technology that have occurred in recent years have driven a change in behavior patterns and preferences of people who demand services in a digital direction. This indirectly encourages the creation of an accelerating trend of digital transformation of the banking sector in 2022, where banks massively optimize the use of digital technology both in products and services for customers.
Seeing the changes in people's behavior patterns in the use of information technology above, it is possible that the trend of digital transformation will continue in 2023. The projected trend that will occur in 2023 is likely to be inseparable from aspects of digitalization, including increasing the adoption of digital technology, implementing hybrid banks and utilizing big data and customer experience. However, there is still the possibility of other trends emerging depending on several factors such as customer needs, global economic uncertainty and the global geolytic situation.
Banks adopt digital technology to improve the performance of bank services and business, including the use of open banking APIs, blockchain, internet of things, artificial intelligence, making super apps that integrate various services outside of bank applications, metaverse and cloud computing. The use of the Open Banking API allows banks to share data with a third party service provider such as fintech so that it can be used as an effective medium to attract new financing customers more broadly. Furthermore, the provision of super apps  will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty because a variety of financial services and products can be obtained in one door. Future metaverse potential, McKinsey projects that the metaverse will grow to $5 trillion by 2030 and by 2022 venture capital firms and private equity firms have invested more than $120 billion[1]. However, the adoption of digital technology in banking in its implementation still needs to prioritize data and information security factors and consider suitability with the bank's business model and the adequacy of owned capital.

The next potential trend is the implementation of hybrid banks which will continue to run in 2023. Even though changes in people's behavior patterns towards digital are increasingly massive, it cannot be denied that some segments of society still choose conventional services due to demographic factors, uneven digital literacy and information technology infrastructure readiness. especially in remote areas.
It is also possible to optimize the use of big data and customer experience to become a trend in 2023 by considering the concerns of banks that are increasingly placing customer behavior at the core of their business model to create customer satisfaction and loyalty. Banks can provide more specific services for each customer by utilizing a collection of historical data on customer preferences. On the customer side, this provides benefits in the form of an increasingly relevant and personalized service level as well as being able to predict the future needs of each customer.
Based on the projections of some of the trends above, it is necessary to carry out more in-depth discussions and discussions to see the potential trends that are most likely to occur in the Indonesian banking sector, explore other potential banking trends and see the readiness of the banking industry to anticipate these trends amidst global economic and geopolitical uncertainties. with expert sources who are also practitioners in the banking industry.

  1. Provide understanding and awareness to participants regarding projected trends in the banking sector that will occur in 2023.
  2. Providing participants with an understanding of the strategies that will be carried out by the banking industry in anticipating various trends that will occur in the banking sector.
  3. Increase the banking industry's readiness to anticipate various trends that will occur in the banking sector.
Pimpinan dan Pegawai OJK, Perwakilan Industri Jasa Keuangan, Akademisi dan Masyarakat Umum
  • Sunarso (Direktur Utama PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk)
  • Batara Sianturi (Chief Executive Officer Citi Indonesia)
  • Hery Gunardi (Direktur Utama PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk.)
  • Sasmaya Tuhuleley (President Director PT Bank Seabank Indonesia)