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National Convention on the Draft of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (SKKNI) in the Field of Financial Services Business Actors' Behavior, Education, and Consumer Protection (PEPK)

  • 18 Oct 2024


OJK held the National Convention for the Draft of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (RKKNI) in the Field of Financial Services Business Actors' Behavior, Education, and Consumer Protection (PEPK) on October 17, 2024.

The financial services sector has undergone rapid transformation in recent years. The development of digital technology, the emergence of fintech, and increasingly complex global dynamics have made this sector increasingly demand business actors to have high and professional standards of behavior. However, not only technical competence is needed, but also ethical behavior, compliance with regulations, and the ability to provide education and protection for consumers.

RKKNI for PEPK as a continuation of the determination of the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) for PEPK based on the Minister of Manpower Decree Number 274 of 2024. SKKNI and KKNI for PEPK are in accordance with the PEPK Roadmap 2023-2027, especially in pillar 2, namely market conduct supervision, one of the programs of which is to strengthen the infrastructure for implementing consumer protection functions through the preparation and implementation of certification programs for PUJK administrators and/or executive officers.

The National Convention was opened by Mrs. Friderica Widyasari Dewi as the Chief Executive of the Supervision of Financial Services Business Actors' Behavior, Education, and Consumer Protection, and was attended by all stakeholders, namely representatives of OJK, associations, industry, professional certification institutions, and academics. The results of the National Convention agreed on 4 (four) levels of qualifications in the PEPK field which are intended for various possible positions ranging from financial influencers to officials in charge of consumer protection functions or units.

Also attending the National Convention were Mr. M. Amir Syarifuddin as Director of Competency Standardization and Training Program Development of the Ministry of Manpower, and Mr. Miftakul Azis as a Member of BNSP. In addition, the Head of the Formulation Team, Head of the Verification Team, Deputy Head of the Formulation Team, and representatives of the RKKNI Formulation Team Members for the PEPK Sector, namely Mrs. Nathalya Wani Sabu (PERBANAS), Mrs. Anika Faisal (APINDO), Mr. Mauldy Rauf (APRDI), Mr. Togar Pasaribu (AAJI), and Mr. Ong Tek Tjan (APPI) guided the plenary session and discussion session well so that the convention activities ran smoothly.

Friderica Widyasari Dewi - Chief Executive of the Supervisory Board for the Conduct of Financial Services Business Actors, Education, and Consumer Protection
Agus Sugiarto - Head of Department of OJK Institute
M. Amir Syarifuddin - Director of Competency Standardization and Training Program Development, Ministry of Manpower
Miftakul Azis - Member of Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi
Ni Nyoman Puspani - Director of Human Resources Development Planning

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