Call for Paper International Journal of Financial Systems (IJFS)

Oct 11 2023


The International Journal of Financial Systems (IJFS) is a biannual journal that is published by the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK). Founded with a vision to promote excellence in the financial sector and facilitate the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge, IJFS is committed to nurturing a dynamic community of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and scholars in the financial sector. 

We invite researchers, academics, and practitioners from all corners of the globe to contribute to this journal and engage in meaningful dialogue that deepens our knowledge of financial systems. By working together, we can unravel the complexities, identify emerging trends, and propose effective solutions that shape the future of global financial systems. Thank you f​or joining us on this intellectual journey as we strive to broaden our understanding of financial systems. 

The International Journal of Financial Systems welcomes papers from researchers, academics, and practitioners worldwide. We specifically invite contributions that address the following key topics: 

  • Financial Institutions 

  • Financial Instruments 

  • Financial Markets 

  • Financial Regulations and Policies 

  • Financial Inclusion 

  • Financial Literacy and Education 

  • Islamic Finance 

  • Sustainable Finance 

  • Innovative Financial Technology 

  • Financial System Stability 

  • Financial Integration

Full paper deadline: 20 October 2023.

Submission and further information:

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