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List of Rural Bank (BPR) Head Office

Hits : 4949

​​Financial Services Authority (OJK) has released list of head office addresses of conventional rural banks (BPRs). Referring to its functions, conventional rural bank is a bank that carries out business activities without offering services in payment transfers. BPR`s field of activities is much narrower than that of a commercial bank, since a BPR does not receive checking-account deposit, or provide foreign-exchange trading and insurance. Based on Law No. 21 of 2011 on OJK, regulation and supervision over BPRs are conducted by OJK.



Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Gedung Soemitro Djojohadikusumo
Jalan Lapangan Banteng Timur 2-4 Jakarta 10710 Indonesia

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(021) 2960 0000
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