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Board of Commissioners

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​Commissioner Board 2022 - 2027

Mahendra Siregar was ordained by the Supreme Court as the Head of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on J​uly 20th, 2022.

Mahendra had served as the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs from October 25th, 2019 to July 19, 2022. Prior to the position, ​he was the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for the United States (2019), Chair of the Investment​ Coordinating Board (2013-2014), Vice Minister of Finance (2011-2013), and Vice Minister of Trade (2009-2011).

Apart from holding positions in government institutions, Mahendra also held commissioner positions in corporations and international organizations.

Mahendra obtained a Master of Economics from the Monash University, Melbourne in 1991 and a Bachelor of Economics from Universitas Indonesia in 1986.

Mirza Adityaswara was born in Surabaya on April 9, 1965, and has more than 30 years of career experience in finance and government. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Economics in 1992 from Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta. He continued his studies and earned a Master of Applied Finance from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, in 1995. 

Mirza Adityaswara started his career as a Dealer at Bank Sumitomo Niaga in 1989. Then years later, he worked as Head of Securities Trading & Research at Bahana Sekuritas from 2002 to 2005. 

Mirza continued his professional career in several financial service institutions, including the Director, Head of Equity Research & Bank Analysis at Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia from 2005-2008, the Managing Director, Head of Capital Market, and Mandiri Sekuritas as well as Chief Economist of Bank Mandiri Group during the period 2008–2010. He also has achievements as a Member of the Board of Commissioners and the Chief Executive of the Board of Commissioners at the Deposit Insurance Corporation in 2010-2013.

Mirza officially served as Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia from 2013 to 2019. While serving as Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Mirza was also familiar with the duties and functions of the Financial Services Authority. During 2015-2019, he was given additional duties as a member of the Ex-Officio Financial Services Authority Board of Commissioners representing Bank Indonesia. 

During that time, he was assigned to oversee the implementation of institutional synergies between Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority Board of Commissioners in macroprudential policies. 

In addition, he has also served as Minister of Finance Experts in 2020-2022, and the President Director of the Indonesian Banking Development Institute in 2020-2022. 

Dian Ediana Rae was born in Bandung, April 4, 1960. He graduated from the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, with a cum laude degree in Financial Economics Law. Dian completed his Master in Business Law from the School of Law, University of Chicago. He also took a Law Course at Georgetown University, Washington DC, United States, and the Summer School for International Finance Law at Oxford University, England. 

In line with his knowledge, Dian is also widely involved in economic and business law fields. He started his career in finance at Bank Indonesia and served as Head of Representative of Bank Indonesia for Europe region in London in 2010-2013. Then, he was also assigned as the Head of Representative of Bank Indonesia Region VI whose authority covered the areas of West Java and Banten in 2013-2014, as well as Head of Regional I Department of Bank Indonesia for a term of 2014 -2016. Dian was appointed as the Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) in 2016-2020 and then appointed as the Chairman of the PPATK for the period 2020-2021.

In addition, Dian Ediana Rae has been appointed Vice Chairman of the Egmont Group Information Exchange Working Group. He was also elected as Regional Representative of the Egmont Group for the Asia Pacific region, a member of the Egmont Group Committee, and served as Co-Chair of the Financial Intelligence Consultative Group (FICG) in Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand in 2018-2021.

Inarno Djajadi was born in Yogyakarta, December 31, 1962. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Gadjah Mada University in 1​981. He started his career in the capital market in 1989.  

Inarno served as the President Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange​ (IDX) through the General Meeting of Shareholders on June 29, 2018. Prior to serving at the IDX, he served as Treasury Officer at PT Aspac Uppindo Sekuritas (1989-1991), Director of PT Aspac Uppindo Sekuritas (1991-1997), Director of PT Mitra Duta Sekuritas (1997-1999), Director of PT Widari Sekuritas (1999), and President Director of PT Madani Sekuritas (2000-2003). 

In addition, he has also served as President Director, Commissioner, and President Commissioner of PT KPEI (2003-2009, 2010-2013, dan 2013-2016), President Commissioner of PT Maybank Kim Eng Securities (2013-2014), President Commissioner of PT CIMB Niaga Sekuritas (2014-2017), and IDX Commissioner (2017-2018). 

Inarno also has experience in various organizations throughout his career, including as a member of the Indonesian Securities Brokerage Association (IPEI) (1992-1994), a member of the Supervisory Board of the Indonesian Capital Market Professionals (2017-2020), and currently serves as the Chairman of Jakarta Economics Bachelors Association Raya (ISEI Jaya) from 2020.

Born in Bogor on May 21, 1961, Ogi Prastom​iyono obtained bachelor's degree in Agricultural Industrial Technology from the Bogor Agricultural Institute in 1984 and Master of Business Administration from the University of Notre Da​me, United States of America, in 1994.

He previously served a​s Strategic Service Director at PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (2018-2021) and Deputy President Commissioner at PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (202​0-2022).

Ogi started his career at the Bank Export Import Indonesia or Exim Bank in 1986. There, he served as a loan officer in the Plantation Credit Division. His last position at the Exim Bank was Head of Research and Development Division.

In 1999 he joined Bank Mandiri and held various positions before serving on the Board of Directors, namely Head of the Compliance Division (1999-2001), Deputy Chairman – IPO Working Team (2001-2003), Managing Director Bank Syariah Mandiri (2003-2005), Group Head Compliance (2005-2006), and Group Head Internal Audit (2006-2008).

And afterward, he was appointed as Director of Compliance & Human Capital of Bank Mandiri (2008-2014), Risk Management & Compliance (2014-2015), Director of Technology & Operations (2015-2016), and Director of Operations (2016-2018).

Friderica Widyasari Dewi attained her bachelor's degree in economics at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 2001. She then continued her education at California State University, USA, and received a Master of Business Administration degree in 2004. Following her Master's degree, Friderica earned a Doctorate in Leadership and Innovation Policy from Gadjah Mada University in 2019.

Friderica was born in Cepu, Central Java, on November 28, 1975. She worked at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for more than 10 years, since 2005 until becoming the Market Development Director of IDX, a position she held from 2009 to 2015.  

She continued her career in a self-regulatory organization (SRO), namely Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI), as Director of Finance  during 2015-2016. She then served as the organization's President Director from 2016 to 2019 before finally joined BRI Danareksa Sekuritas as President Director from 2020 to 2022.  

Friderica holds several license in capital market from Financial  Services Authority in 2019: Investment Manager Representative (WMI) and Broker Dealer Representative (WPPE).

Sophia Issabella Watimena, was born in Cirebon on 24 February 1969, earned her Bachelor degree in Accounting from Universitas Gajah Mada, before continued her degree at Leiden University, Netherland and Kuehne Logistics University, Germany to obtain Master of Business Administration (MBA). In addition, she has been qualified as Chartered Accountant (CA) which acknowledged by Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI). ​

Sophia began her career as external auditor at Ernst & Young (EY) and until she served as Senior Manager EY Transaction Advisory Services, likewise she was appointed as Internal Audit Manager at PT Semen Cibinong, Tbk. During her career, she had served as the Head of Finance Resource Management Unit UNDP. Afterward, Sophia was trusted as the Vice President of Advisory & Investment at PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance, one of the subsidiaries of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur and many multilateral institutions. Sophia once joined PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama as Director of Operation & Finance. He then pursued a career at PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Persero) or Inalum as Executive Director of Finance for one year. Then, from April to October 2021, he served as the Managing Director. ​

Sophia once joined PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), as Director of Finance & Operation at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Investama and Director of Finance & Human Resources at PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal, Tbk. She further pursued her career at PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Persero) as Executive Director of Finance and hereinafter she was trusted as the Managing Director. 

Agusman was born in Padang on 6 August 1965. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Andalas University in 1989. He obtained his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Economics and Finance from Curtin University of Technology in 1998. Afterwards, he obtained his PhD in Banking and Finance from the Australian National University in 2006 with a thesis entitled "An Empirical Examination of Bank Risk Taking - Asian Evidence".

He started his career in Bank Indonesia in 1992 after completing the Bank Examiner Candidate Education Program (PCPB) Batch 2 when he was inaugurated as the first best graduate. Before joining the Central Bank, he worked as an audit staff at a public accounting firm, a staff at management institute, and an accounting lecturer at a public university.

The majority of his career dealt with banking examination and supervision, and also banking research and regulation. Following the 1997/1998 financial crisis, he was appointed as a bank oversight at the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN). He was among the first that explored and introduced stress test, macroprudential policy and financial system surveillance. He involved in a number of domestic and international fora on banking and financial stability issues. His papers were published in academic journals such as Journal of Banking and Finance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, and Research in International Business and Finance.

He held various positions in Bank Indonesia, including Executive Director/Head of several departments, namely Financial System Surveillance (2016-2017), Communication (2017-2019), Financial Market Development (2019), Internal Audit (2020-2023), and concluded his career as an Assistant Governor. He was also Head of the Supervisory Body of Bank Indonesia’s Pension Fund - Defined Contribution (Dapenbi - IP) since its establishment until the beginning of August 2023.​

On 9 August 2023, Agusman was officially inducted as the Member of the Board of Commissioners of OJK based on the Presidential Decree No.67/P Year 2023 dated 26 July 2023.

Born in Purwakarta on April 27, 1970, Hasan Fawzi completed his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1993. He obtained Master of Business Administration (MBA) from LÍAE de Grenoble, Université Pierre Mendes, France. He then completed his Master’s in Management from the Economics Faculty of Universitas Indonesia in 2008.

Hasan Fawzi’s started his professional career in PT Kliring Depositori Efek Indonesia with his last position as the Head of System Development Department from 1993 to 1997. He then joined PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) as the Head of Information Technology Division from 1997 to 2008. He continued his career as the Director of PT Penilai Harga Efek Indonesia (PHEI) from 2008 to 2012, President Director of KPEI for two terms (2012-2015 and 2015-2018), as well as Director of Development in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2018 to 2022.

Previously he also served as President Commissioner of PT PEFINDO Credit Bureau (2022-2023), President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of PT RHB Sekuritas Indonesia (2022–2023), and Independent Commissioner of PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk (2023).

Born in Surabaya on February 24, 1965, Doni Primanto Joewono studied Economics in Development Studies at Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo, in 1988. He then continued his Master in Administration and Human Resources ​Development at the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, in 2004. 

Doni Primanto Joewono started his career in 1999 in the Department of Monetary Management until 2000. His career continued as an economics researcher in the Department of Monetary Management (2000-2002). 

He served as the Deputy Head of the Department of Economic and Monetary Statistics (2002-2005), the Head of Economics and Monetary Division of the Department of Economic and Monetary Statistics (2005), and the Head of Economic and Monetary Affairs at Bank Indonesia Semarang Office (2005). Doni was a Senior Economic Researcher (Deputy Director) at the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia London (2005-2008). 

His career was preceded by leading the Bank Indonesia Solo Representative and others as the Regional Head. During that time, he was awarded the best Regional Inflation Control Team in Solo (2012) and Jakarta (2017). He also initiated various programs to encourage regio​nal investment and economic empowerment of Islamic Boarding Schools. 

Doni Primanto Joewono then became Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia based on Presidential Decree Number 78/P of 2020 dated 30 July 2020 and took the oath on 11 August 2020.

Born in Jakart​a on May 1972, Thomas A. M. Djiwandono obtained his Bachelor of Arts in History at Haverford College, USA, in 1994. In 2003, he earned his M.A. in International Relations and International Economics from Johns Hopkins University, USA.

Thomas began his career as an inte​​rn jo​urnalist at Tempo Magazine in 1993. In 1994, he joined Indonesia Business Weekly as a journalist. Between 1996 and 1999, Thomas continued his career as a financial analyst at NatWest Market, Jakarta. He worked as a consultant at Castle Asia from 1999 to 2000.

In 2004, Thomas joined Comexindo International, where he held posts as Director of Business Development (2004–2008), Deputy CEO (2008-2009), and CEO from 2010 to 2024. He also served as Deputy CEO of Arsari Group from 2011 to 2024.​

Since 2008, Thomas has served as the General Treasurer of Gerindra Party.

Based on Presidential Decree No. 45/M of 2024, the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, appointed Thomas A. M. Djiwandono as Deputy Minister of Finance in the Indonesia Maju Cabinet on July 18, 2024.

After President Joko Widodo's tenure in office ended, Thomas was reappointed as Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance on October 21st, 2024 under the Merah Putih Cabinet by the current President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka.


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