Call for Papers Karya Riset Ilmiah (KARISMA) OJKI 2024

Apr 2 2024
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​Indonesia Financial Services Inst​itution (OJK) calls for researcher to join Call for Papers Karisma OJKI 2024, which explores “Strengthening Financial Innovation to Improve Public Welfare: The Roles of Financial Industry” as its theme.

Call for papers from the public and academicians supports financial services sector strengthening through enrichment of research work sources on the economy and financial services sector’s current issues.

Call for Papers Karisma OJK Institute 2024 breaks through with a fresh concept. This year, the discussion topic introduces the researcher to international peers, as the winners’ papers will be published in OJK’s international journal website: International Journal of Financial System (IJFS).

For more information regarding Call for Papers Karisma OJK Institute 2024, please head to or contact us through e-mail: 

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