Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) launched Roadmap for the Development and Strengthening of the Indonesia Pension Fund 2024-2028 to provide guidelines for the development and strengthening of the Indonesian pension funds over the next four years.
The development of this roadmap is one such effort to respond to the dynamics in the pension fund industry, aligning with the government’s goal of developing and strengthening the financial sector in Indonesia through the issuance of Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UU P2SK).
Roadmap for the Development and Strengthening of the Indonesia Pension Fund 2024-2028 also represents Otoritas Jasa Keuangan’s commitment to developing a healthy, efficient, and integrity-driven financial services industry, while enhancing consumer and public protection, deepening market penetration, increasing inclusion, and ensuring financial sector stability.
Roadmap for the Development and Strengthening of the Indonesia Pension Fund 2024-2028 aims to realize a pension fund that is healthy, efficient, has integrity, strengthens consumer and public protection, as well as supports national economic growth.
Download Roadmap for the Development and Strengthening of the Indonesia Pension Fund 2024-2028 on the attached file.