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Decision on OJKs 2014 National Holidays and Joint Leave

 Decision on OJKs 2014 National Holidays and Joint Leave

Jan 9 2014


Financial Services Authority, January 9th, 2014: Board of Commissioners of Financial Services Authority (DK OJK) has issued a decision on the enactment of 2014 holiday and joint leave schedule. DK OJK Decision No. 37/KDK.02/2013 on 2014 national holidays and joint leave is in accordance with DK OJK Regulation No. 01/04/PDK/VII/2012 dated July 25th, 2012, on OJK working hours and working days.

OJK office is closed on January 1st for 2014 new year celebration, on January 14th for Maulid Nabi or Prophet Muhammads birthday commemoration, and on January 31st for celebration of Imlek 2565 Kongzili or Chinese New Year. As for 2014 facultative holidays, referring to Decision of Directorate General for Hindu Community Education of Religious Affairs Ministry in 2013, OJK has decided to put a holiday on January 29th and 30th for Siwaratri (Night of Shiva) holiday commemoration.

 As for March, DK OJK has decided that 2014 facultative holidays in the month will fall on March 8th and March 12th for first Saraswati holiday celebration.  Holidays will also fall on March 30tt for Tawar Agung Kesanga ceremony before Nyepi holiday and March 31st for Nyepi Saka New Year 1936 silence celebration.

Precisely on April 1st, OJK office will be closed for Ngembak Geni ceremony after Nyepi holiday. In the same month, on April 18th to be exact, OJK office will be closed for Good Friday commemoration.

In order to commemorate International Labor Day, OJK office will be closed on May 1st. Holidays will also fall on May 15th for Buddhist holiday of Waisak 2558. Six days later, which is on May 21st, and also on May 31st, there will be holidays for first Galungan celebration. On May 27th, there will be a holiday to commemorate Isra and Miraj or Ascension of Prophet Muhammad SAW. And on May 29th, OJK office will be closed for Ascension of Jesus Christ.

On July 2014, national holidays referring to the enactment of 1 Syawal 1435 Hijri for Ied Al-Fitr holiday will fall on July 28th 29th. The enactment of these holidays is based on Indonesian government decision. Joint leave for all OJK employees will be taken accordingly with the moment of Ied Al-Fitr day, which is precisely on July 30th 31st.

As for August 2014, holiday will begin on August 1st, which is a continuance of joint leave after Ied Al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1435 H holiday, whereas August 17th, the Indonesian Independence Day, will fall on Sunday coincidently.

The next holidays will fall on October 4th and 5th, on Saturday and Sunday, for commemoration of second Saraswati  day and Ied Al-Adha 1435 H.  While on October 8th, OJK office will be closed for second Pagerwesi celebration. Nearing the end of the month, exactly on October 25th, there will be a holiday for commemoration of 1436 Hijri Islamic New Year.

The next holidays are enacted on December 17th and 27th for commemoration of second Galungan celebration. As for Christmas day, DK OJK has decided to take a leave on December 25th, followed with a joint leave on December 26th.

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