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OJK Releases Indonesian Banking Statistics (SPI) of November 2013 Edition

 OJK Releases Indonesian Banking Statistics (SPI) of November 2013 Edition

Jan 22 2014


Financial Services Authority, January 22th, 2014: The Financial Services Authority (OJK) released Indonesian Banking Statistics (SPI) of November 2013 edition. The release was in accordance with the transferring of regulatory and supervisory function, duties and authority over financial services activities in banking sector from Bank Indonesia to OJK, which has been effective since December 31st, 2013. The transferring was carried out pursuant to Law No. 21 of 2011 on OJK.

The SPI is a medium of publication, which is published by OJKs Bank Licensing and Banking Information Department. It contains various data on Indonesian banking in order to provide descriptions about banking development in Indonesia.

With the release, it is expected that the provided data can be useful for users. The SPI can be accessed on OJK official website at by clicking Data and Statistics menu and go further to the Banking submenu.

The SPI can be downloaded in PDF format as available on the link above, but we also present it in other kind of link so that you can read it online in PDF format. You may also download the SPI in XLS format by clicking these links:

Indonesian Banking Statistics (SPI) of November 2013 [PDF]

Indonesian Banking Statistics (SPI) of November 2013 [XLS]

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