OJK through the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority number KEP-3/D.06/2025 dated February 5th, 2025, has revoked PT Sarana Sulut Ventura business license, which its head office is located at Komplek Perumahan Graha Camar Tikala Baru Blok A3, Jalan Daan Mogot, Kelurahan Tikala Baru, Kecamatan Tikala, Kota Manado, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. The revocation of the business license takes effect from the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority on the date of stipulation.
PT Sarana Sulut Ventura is prohibited from carrying out business activities in venture capital sector and is obligated to settle rights and obligations in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, among others:
Restricted from using the word “venture” or the word “sharia venture” for naming the company in accordance with the provisions of Article 56 Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 34/POJK/05/2015 Regarding Business and Institutional Licensing of Venture Capital Companies as amanded by Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 46 Year 2024 Regarding Development and Strenghthening of Financial Companies, Infrastructure Finance Companies and Venture Capital Companies.
Provide clear information to Debtors, Creditors, and/or funders regarding the mechanism for settling rights and obligations. Required to provide customer information and complaints center equipped with authorized contact persons. The intended contact person (including if theres is a change in contact person) must be disclosed to all debtors and can be CC to OJK
FAO Directorate of Financing Institutions and Venture Capital Companies
Supervision and Directorate of Consumer Services, Complaint Inspection and
Regional Consumer Education and Protection.