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Digital Financial Literacy

Digital Financial Literacy (DFL) Module

In order to improve people's digital financial literacy, especially the millennial generation, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has implemented several initiatives, one of which is issuing five Digital Financial Literacy (DFL) modules that can help increase the level of digital financial literacy in Indonesia.

Financial services are a necessity in everyday life. Advances in digital technology now allow financial service providers to deliver these services in a more informal, flexible, and efficient manner. Along with the advancement of digital technology, the number and variety of Financial Sector Technology innovations are also growing rapidly. Now people can choose Digital Financial Innovation services that are diverse and according to their needs.

The acceleration of innovation in the financial sector also raises other risks, namely the lack of knowledge can lead the public to make the wrong product selection decisions, not according to their needs, and even harm the community itself.

Therefore, OJK provides educational information about Digital Financial Innovation products, so that the public can understand better and can wisely choose Digital Financial Innovation products, prices, and schemes that suit the needs and capabilities of the community.

The e-book material can be downloaded at the link below, while the interactive games can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and Apps Store under the name Smart Digital Indonesia.

1. GET TO KNOW (Digital Financial Services Products, Schemes, and Prices).pdf

2. Protect Yourself From Digital Crime.pdf

3. Technology-Based Money Lending Services Information.pdf

4. Customer Support Channel.pdf

5. Data and Access.pdf

Digital Financial Literacy (DFL) and Digination Activities

Throughout 2024, OJK through the IAKD Supervision Division and in collaboration with the Regional OJK Office has carried out DFL activities to various universities in various cities, such as Padang, Malang, Denpasar, Makassar, and Tegal, as well as Digination activities at the OJK Office in South Sumatra, Bangka and Belitung. Further information related to the documentation of the DFL activities can be seen in the Publication ​menu.​

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