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Indonesia Banking Booklet 2020

 Indonesia Banking Booklet 2020

Dec 11 2020
Hits : 6576

This 2020 Indonesia Banking Booklet (IBB) constitutes a publication media presenting brief information concerning Indonesian banking industry in 2019 up to June 2020.  This booklet is expected to enable the users to obtain information concerning direction of the banking policies in 2020 as well as regulations in the banking sector issued by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK (Financial Services Authority) amid the Covid-19 pandemic.  As is known, the Covid-19 virus pandemic has hit almost all countries in the world which has impacted the economy of each country.  As an institution that regulates and oversees the financial services industry, the OJK has a big role in taking measures to handle the economy affected by Covid-19, one of which is through the policies that have been issued as set out in this booklet.

Unlike the previous editions, the 2020 edition of the IBB is designed in different format and output to provide better ease for the users. We also include the use of QR Code technology in some contents in this IBB so that the users can easily get additional information about the contents being read.

We realize that there are yet shortcomings in the presentation of the 2020 IBB in terms of contents and format, however, we still hope that the information presented can yet provide optimal benefits to the users.  The users' inputs and views on this IBB will enable further enhancement in the next edition of the IBB.

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