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Indonesia Banking Booklet 2021

 Indonesia Banking Booklet 2021

Oct 8 2021
Hits : 6411

The 2021 edition of the Indonesia Banking Booklet (IBB) constitutes a publication media presenting brief information concerning Indonesian banking throughout 2020. This booklet is expected to provide information regarding the 2021 policy direction of the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK (Financial Services Authority) as mandated at the 2021 Financial Services Industry Annual Meeting with the theme "Momentum for Post-Covid-19 Financial Services Sector Reform in Accelerating Inclusive National Economic Recovery", the development of Indonesian banking, as well as regulations and policies in the banking sector issued by the OJK in the midst of the Covid pandemic.  Since 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economies of countries around the world. Currently, all countries in the world are trying to restore their economies, including Indonesia.  As an institution that has the function to regulate and oversee all activites in the financial services sector, including the banking sector, the OJK has a major role in dealing with the economy that is affected by Covid-19, one of which is through the regulations and policies that have been issued as stated in this booklet.

The 2021 edition of the IBB is designed in attractive layout and format to provide convenience and ease for the users. The QR Code technology is also utilized in some of the contents in this IBB so that the users can easily obtain additional information about the contents being read.

We realize that there are yet shortcomings in the presentation of the 2021 IBB, both in content and format.  However, we still hope that the information presented can yet provide optimal benefits for the users. The users' input and views on this IBB will enable further enhancement in the next edition of the IBB.

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