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 Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 14/12/PBI/2012

Oct 15 2012
Hits : 1153
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1. The background behind the promulgation of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 14/12/PBI/2012 is as follows:
a. The need for additional new information, hitherto reported offline, to be reported online through the LKPBU system in order to enhance the efficacy of policy monitoring and to boost efficiency in the banking sector.
b. The need for additional reporting periods, previously monthly and quarterly, to be extended to weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.
c. The need to expedite the LKPBU report submission process, thereby bringing it inline with other reports like the LBU and LBBU.

2. The specifics of this Bank Indonesia regulation cover the following points:

a. Additional new online reports as follows:
1) cash flow projections;
2) bank activity as a sales agent for non-Bank products, including:
a. bancassurance;
b. sales agent for mutual funds; and
c. international financial products.
3) e-banking;
4) structured products;
5) executive officers;
6) the office network;
7) bank published financial reports; and
8) bank human resources report.

b. Increasing the number of reporting periods from 2 (two), namely monthly and quarterly, to 4 (four) periods, more specifically: (1) weekly; (2) monthly; (3) quarterly; and (4) annually.

c. Accelerating the submission process of several reports contained within LKPBU as follows:
1) The deadline for submitting reports and report corrections shall be reduced from 15 working days to 5 at the beginning of each month for custodian activities, domestic document-based letter of credit  (SKBDN), remittances from Indonesian workers overseas, movements of government accounts, e-banking, structured products, executive offices, the office network, bank published monthly financial reports and customer complaints.
2) The deadline for submitting other reports shall continue to use the existing schedule of the fifteenth calendar day of the month.

3. The promulgation of this Bank Indonesia Regulation supersedes the following regulations, which are hereby revoked and no longer valid:

a. Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 10/3/PBI/2008 concerning the Head Office Reports of Commercial Banks;
b. Article 40 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 44 paragraph (2), Article 47 Paragraph (4), Article 49 paragraph (2), Article 52 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Article 54 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 57 paragraph (3), Article 59 paragraph (3), paragraph (4), and paragraph (5), Article 63 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Article 64 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Article 65 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 11/3/PBI/2009 concerning Islamic Commercial Banks;
c. Article 15 paragraph (2), Article 20 paragraph (2), Article 22 paragraph (2), Article 24 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Article 26 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 28 paragraph (1), Article 30, Article 32 paragraph (2), Article 34 paragraph (2), Article 35, Article 37 paragraph (2), Article 38, Article 39 of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 11/10/PBI/2009 concerning Islamic Business Units;
d. Article 31, Article 32, Article 33, and Article 36 of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 11/26/PBI/2009 concerning Prudential Principles in Executing Structured Product Activities by Commercial Banks; and
e. Article 19 of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 12/9/PBI/2010 concerning Prudential Principles in Executing Offshore Financial Product Agency Activities by Commercial Banks.


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