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Business License in the Field of Insurance Broker Granted to PT Adikara Mitra Sampurna

 Business License in the Field of Insurance Broker Granted to PT Adikara Mitra Sampurna

November 20, 2015
Download Count : 151


Financial Services Authority, Jakarta, November 20, 2015: Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has granted business license in the field of insurance broker to PT Adikara Mitra Sampurna. The business license is effective starting from the date of issuance of OJK Board of Commissioners Decision No. KEP-557/NB.1/2015 regarding the company.

PT Adikara Mitra Sampurna  is obligated to always perform healthy business practices and keep referring to the prevailing laws while carrying out its business activities. The insurance broker company`s head office is located at MTH Square, City Walk Unit, UG B Floor No. 5B, Jalan MT Haryono Kavling 10, East Jakarta, 13330. 

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