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OJK Gives Sharia Finance Education at Amazing Muharram Event

 OJK Gives Sharia Finance Education at Amazing Muharram Event

December 16, 2015


Financial Services Authority, Jakarta, November 1, 2015: Financial Services Authority (OJK) held an education event named Amazing Muharram, which was first initiated by Cinta Quran institution. The event was a dedication from Cinta Quran in cooperation with OJK and Dompet Dhuafa, aiming to inspire society to change towards better life direction by way of Quran.

Programs in socialization, communications, public education and empowerment of Sharia banking customers need to be implemented using various mediums and creative ideas that can be synergized altogether. These programs are implemented in a bid to support various programs and implementation of duties related to policies on Sharia banking development, as well as to increase public awareness of Sharia banking, which is expected to bring positive influences eventually to brand image of Sharia banking among wider society and the whole stakeholders in Sharia banking industry. In relation to this matter, OJK held the education program at Amazing Muharram event.

The Amazing Muharram event was also a part of OJK`s I Love Sharia Finance campaign inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on June 14 this year, aiming particularly to encourage society to be willing to do transactions using Sharia products and services and to make Sharia finance as a lifestyle.

Amazing Muharram is an inspirational event held annually that combines training, theatrical story, edutainment, music performance and documentary film; intentionally arranged to help participants of the event to change by means of Quran. This year`s Amazing Muharram event was attended by inspiring public figures including Chairman of OJK Board of Commissioners Muliaman D. Hadad, entertainer Peggy Melati Sukma, actress and singer Dewi Sandra, cleric Ustadz Bachtiar Nasir, Chairman of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Makruf Amin, cleric Ustadz Felix Siauw, CEO of Cinta Quran Ustadz Fatih Karim and many more.

The event, which was themed Hijrah to Sharia Lifestyle, Towards Blessed Indonesia with Sharia Lifestyle, encouraged society to make Indonesia as a paramount nation in accordance with values of Quran. Participants would gain inspiration from resource persons who had changed their lives and moved to Islamic path whilst putting efforts into asking other people to reach better lives by means of Quran.

In addition, the event also encouraged Muslim people to consider Sharia finance as their daily lifestyle in order to have more blessed economic lives.

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