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OJK Publishes a Book on How to Understand and Avoid Banking Crimes

 OJK Publishes a Book on How to Understand and Avoid Banking Crimes

Dec 1 2016
Download Count : 427


This book was written in relation to the functions of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as the sole authority that supervises the financial services industry, especially the banking sector. The OJK found several irregularities against banking provisions that indicate banking crimes, which hurt banks' reputation. To avoid such impact, efforts to prevent such irregularities need to be made, in order to maintain a conducive banking climate. Some efforts to prevent and deal with alleged banking crimes are information dissemination and education to raise public awareness on banking crimes.  

To restrain irregularities against banking provisions, the OJK has published a book titled Understand and Avoid (How to Understand and Avoid Banking Crimes).

The book was published to raise public awareness on banking crimes and things that the public need to note when using the products and services of the financial services industry, especially those offered by the banking sector.

The work gives a brief description of banking crimes; explanation on alleged banking crimes under Law No. 7 of 1992 on Banking as amended by Law No. 10 of 1998 (the Banking Law) and Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia Banking (the Sharia Banking Law); case examples, complete with illustrations about banking crimes and tips for avoiding such criminal acts and how one can protect himself/herself from those crimes.   

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