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Press Release: MSME Actors' Empowerment Through Financial Literacy, OJK Holds Financial Education in Tegal Regency

 Press Release: MSME Actors' Empowerment Through Financial Literacy, OJK Holds Financial Education in Tegal Regency

Jan 29 2024
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SP 12/GKPB/OJK/I/2024




OJK Holds Financial Education in Tegal Regency

Tegal Regency, January 29, 2024. OJK continuously improves public financial literacy and inclusion, particularly micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME), to alleviate public's economy and community welfare.

On Monday (1/29), OJK held financ​ial education for MSME actors in the Tegal Regency at Pendopo Amangkurat Kabupaten Tegal. The event was attended by Chief Executive of Market Conduct Supervision, Education, and Consumer Protection of OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi.

Friderica said that OJK and Regional Government in the Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD) had prepared several programs to aid MSME financing.

“We (OJK), together with the regional government and TPAKD, had established K/PMR; Credit Against Loanshark. This is a great opportunity to obtain financing, and shall be used continuously until MSMEs in Tegal will be able to rise as a national enterprise or even international export-quality," Friderica expressed.

Friderica keeps reminding MSME actors to beware of all illegal investment offers which often offers high return, and illegal online loans which offers easy fund disbursements. Additionally, Friderica encourages the people, especially MSME actors, to manage their finances wisely.

“So, ladies and gentlemen, please refrain from using unethical financing from illegal online loans, because the interest rate is going to harm you. We would like to also extend our gratitude to the Regional Secretariat, and all of you who are showing up with marvellous synergy. We want to drive MSMEs to become financially literate, to be able to use the facilities, and to improve financial inclusion in supporting their businesses. I wish you the best development and success for your enterprises," Friderica highlighted.

Tegal Regency Regional Secretariat Amir Makhmud and leaders of Financial Services Industry from PT BPD Jawa Tengah, PT Permodalan Nasional Madani, PT Pegadaian, and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Workers Social Security Agency) were also attending the event.

Tegal Regency Regional Secretariat Amir Makhmud appreciated OJK's effort to facilitate financial education activities for MSME actors in Tegal Regency.

“I see this as the right momentum to build a sturdy financial inclusion ecosystem while sharpening education and information on financial literacy to MSME actors. The disparity in the financial inclusion and literacy shall be minimized through education to the public and to MSME actors, like this event today. At least, from here, we can understand the risk and save ourselves from harmful practices that will cause us loss, such as having engaged with an illegal online loan with sky-high interest rate," said Amir.

Furthermore, Amir hoped this financial education will adequately prepare the participants to use digital technologies effectively, efficiently, and safely thus making them less prone to temptations of illegal loans illegal investment offers.

As a part of the financial education event, a symbolic handover of financial products such as People's Business Credit (KUR), Mekaar Financing, Gold Savings, and workforce social security was given to benefit recipients.

The educational event was held in hybrid manner, with total participants of 1,350, where 350 of them attended the event offline and 1,000 of them attended virtually. These participants are MSME actors, fostered by the Regional Government and PUJK in Tegal Regency.

The event presented introduction to OJK, awareness of illegal investment and illegal online loans, introduction to financial products and services including People's Business Credit (KUR), Mekaar Financing, Gold Savings, workforce social security, and Financial Planning.

To introduce the financial literacy and inclusion infrastructure to the people in Tegal Regency, OJK brought Simolek Edutainment, the cash services mobile of PT BPD Jateng dan PT Pegadaian, and opened booths for PUJK in order to assist the education participant to get to know financial products better.


For more information:

Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa

Tel. (021) 29600000; E-mail:

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