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Press Release: Moody's Maintains Indonesia's Credit Rating, at 'Baa2' with A Stable Outlook

 Press Release: Moody's Maintains Indonesia's Credit Rating, at 'Baa2' with A Stable Outlook

Mar 21 2025
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Jakarta, March 21, 2025. Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Indonesia Financial Services Authority, Mahendra Siregar, stated that the results of Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) periodic review, which confirmed Indonesia's Sovereign Credit Rating (SCR) at Baa2 with a stable outlook, reflect global confidence in the country's economic​ resilience.

Moody's evaluation of Indonesia's credit rating underscores global confidence in the country's solid economic fundamentals and the resilience of its financial sector, despite ongoing global uncertainties.

“This proves that the policies we have consistently implemented are capable of maintaining stability amid global dynamics. We hope that Moody's periodic review will further strengthen investor confidence in Indonesia's economic prospects," said Mahendra.

Moody's highlighted several factors that reinforce Indonesia's economic resilience, including its rich natural resources and demographic advantages, which serve as key drivers of long-term growth. Additionally, strong domestic demand, mainly from household consumption and investment, is expected to continue supporting economic growth in 2025 and 2026.

The ongoing implementation of policies aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the manufacturing and commodity sectors is also seen as a positive factor contributing to higher and more sustainable national income.

Moody's further noted that improvements in government revenue, fiscal flexibility, and financial market deepening are crucial factors that could support a potential future upgrade in Indonesia's credit rating.

To support financial market stability, OJK remains committed to its 2025 priority programs, which focus on ensuring a healthy, inclusive, and competitive financial services ecosystem to drive sustainable economic growth.

In line with its efforts to deepen the financial market, OJK continues to implement measured policies to respond to current market dynamics. "Investor and market trust are our most valuable assets as we move forward," Mahendra stated.

As a member of the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK), OJK will continue strengthening policy coordination with the government to safeguard financial stability and drive economic growth in alignment with the Asta Cita development agenda.


Further information:

Acting Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - M. Ismail Riyadi

Tel. 021.29600000 Email:

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